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They walked around the neighborhood, Roselyn was talking again giving her the latest updates on the college gossip. He was listening to her so attentively. Paying attention to every single detail as she animatedly explains the scenarios using her hands. Her face made such cute expressions as she talked and he imagined this is how her face must be when she does her skits in the shower.
"We really should have met sooner, looking at you rant is way different than listening to it from beyond the wall" he said as she finished her story. "I wanted to too, but I don't know...it felt nice having a person who understands you completely. Maybe because we bared our souls to each other we were scared to face the fact that I know everything about you and you know every single thing about me. I am embarrassed even now thinking about how I cried and shared stuff with you that was so personal to me. I thought about the day we meet many times. I thought how awkward it must be to see you, the person who never saw me but knows everything about me. But now that I met you it just feels right. Oh, we are here, let's go." She walked inside as Justin stood there stunned. He walked inside to see her near the booking counter to book a karaoke booth and stopped her just before she paid. " I planned the entire day, so I pay for it." He said as he gave his card to book. "But it isn't fair. Also are you sure you want to pay for the whole day? After knowing how much I love to eat? Do you want to go bankrupt Cookie?" She asked as she giggled. He suddenly leaned down to her height, looked into her eyes, and said"Yes, I will pay for the whole day. Even if I go bankrupt. I planned the date, Rosie, so let me. And if you think it is unfair...plan and pay for our next date." He ruffled her hair and walked into the booth. Roselyn put her hand on her chest and looked at his retreating figure. "Did he just ask me for a second date?" She murmured as she tapped her chest and took a deep breath to calm her heart that was beating ever so loudly and walked behind him into the booth.

Two hours, they sang there for two hours. First, it was like their shower duets, all so professional but as time passed their crackhead side showed up with them singing random raps off-key and one dorky dancing to the other singing. They would've spent the entire day in there if it wasn't for their stomachs rumbling with hunger. As soon as they heard a sound their stomachs made they burst out laughing. It was not awkward or embarrassing. Rather it was funny and they were surprised at how much time had passed with them having fun. "Come let's go eat something" he pulled her by her hand as they walked out of the booth. He didn't let go of her hand even after they left the place. And she didn't mind. She tightened her hold on his hand and he softly smiled looking at her. She swung their joined hands front and back as she started complaining about how she is hungry and wants to eat a lot of meat for all the energy she lost singing.
He booked a table at a nearby restaurant. It was not one of those classy places, nor was it bustling with people. It had the right amount of people and charm that was needed. It had a cozy, homely ambiance and Rosie was loving every bit of it. After placing a very long order, she asked his help to click a few pictures of her, before she could give him her phone, he took his phone out and snapped a few. "Yah, I am not ready" she hit his arm and whined. "Stay still, you look pretty even if you aren't posing," he said which made her cheeks red, she immediately put her hands on her cheeks and posed until she could calm the butterflies in her stomach. Luckily the food arrived and they didn't waste a minute in digging in.

He looked at her pictures on his phone and smiled. All this seemed very crazy. Though they know each other for almost a year now, they actually met this morning. And for them to have such a level of comfort as if they have been together since childhood is baffling to him. "This tastes amazing" she suddenly said interrupting his thoughts. He looked up to see her cutely muttering with her cheeks full of food. She looked like a chipmunk. She had a tear at the corner of her eye, threatening to fall. He smiles, he knows her habit of crying when she eats really tasty food. He leaned forward and used his thumb to wipe the tear away and said, "Do you want to have ice cream for dessert?" as he went back to eating. She froze for a second and came back to her senses, "No, not here, ice cream is unnecessarily expensive here. Let's just go to a convenience store and buy some." The rest of their lunch was filled with them talking about anything and everything. They finished eating and she excused herself to the restroom, he paid the bill and waited for her at the door. She came out and casually wrapped her hand around his arm as if it always belonged there and said, "I want a chocolate-flavored ice cream, what about you?" He smiled and said, "Hmm, I don't know, I will see the flavors available and decide"
With her almost finished chocolate ice cream in one hand and his hand in the other, Roselyn looked at him. They were walking towards the Han river to rent bicycles because they both loved cycling around the river. He had one hand holding hers tightly and the other eating his Cookies and cream ice cream with a small bag of snacks that they bought clinging around his arm. "He is perfect," she thought to herself as she smiled looking at him eating his ice cream with eyebrows furrowed, a face she observed he makes when he likes the taste of something. "Is it that tasty?" She asked. He suddenly brought it to her face and said, "It is. Do you want to try?" The thought of eating something he tasted was never on her mind, being the foodie she is, she just wanted to eat his ice cream. So she took a huge bite and said, "Mmm, that is really tasty." He stopped walking and looked at his almost half-eaten ice cream. "Yah, Roselyn." He said loudly. Listening to her full name she knew she was in trouble. She took her hand out of his grasp, plopped her remaining chocolate cone in her mouth, and started running as she laughed. He shouted, "Don't run, you'll hurt yourself." Eating his remaining ice cream in three big bites, he ran behind her. They ran until they reached the railing overlooking the river. With nowhere to run, she was trapped and just started laughing and shouting. He laughed and held her arms shouting, "Got you." She squealed and shouted, "Ok, ok sorry I will give you a few of my snacks to taste." He just laughed and turned towards the river. The sun was setting on the horizon painting the sky in hues of orange. They both stared at the sunset standing near the railing. It was a comfortable silence. She rested her head on his shoulder as she snaked her hand around his arm. They didn't speak, they enjoyed this silence. "I was scared we would be awkward if we
met and I would lose this beautiful bond that we have. But now that I met you, I don't regret anything. In fact, I think we should have met sooner." She slowly said as if she was talking to herself. He rested his head on hers and held her hand that was around his arm and whispered, "Me too. Don't worry we will meet every single day from now on." After a while, he moved and said "Let's go get those cycles." She whined, "I am tired already, let's just go home, we'll get some soju on the way, we already have snacks to eat, we can order pizza, just eat at our place and watch some movie." He smiled and ruffled her hair, "Ok, let's do that." They walked back hand in hand and discussed which movie to watch.
True to their plan, they went home. They decided to change and take a shower before their movie night so they left the snacks and soju on the table in the terrace garden. In the shower, they still talked continuing their discussion on which movie to watch. Then they decided to go back to their singing mode again. "Which song today?" Justin asked. "Anything you choose" she giggled from the other side. "Ok, then I will sing this alone then. A gift from your Rosebud" he said. Before she could say anything he started, "No limit in the sky that I won't fly for ya~" She recognized the song immediately. One of her favorites, 2U by David Guetta. She knew how beautiful his voice is, she is already addicted to it. But the reason behind the intense heat in her cheeks, that painted her face red was the lyrics that he was dedicating to her. She couldn't stop smiling like a teenager in love. "That was really beautiful Cookie, thank you. Let me say this here because I don't know if I can say this looking at your face. Thank you for listening to me from beyond the wall, for being there for me in my highs and lows, for the wonderful date, the great company, everything. You are perfect and I am lucky to have you in my life." He smiled and replied, " The feeling is mutual Rosie, I never thought something like this was possible in real life. I loved your voice the day I listened to it. Now that I saw you, you are as beautiful as your voice. You are kind, funny, a great listener, a food stealer, you are everything I could ever ask for as a company. Thank you for today. And now that I have a face for this beautiful voice, I plan on seeing it every single day. Ok enough with the thank yous, let's go, a movie is waiting for us."

Beyond the walls (Rosekook AU)Where stories live. Discover now