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After months from their first interaction one day, Roselyn gathered her courage to initiate "the talk" she wanted to put a face to the person who has been her strength over the past few months, the person who she never met but was more comfortable with than anyone in her life, the voice that she fell in love with. She wanted to put an end to this little game of theirs, she wanted to see beyond the walls.

"Cookie, you there?" She started. "Uhmm" he replied. "I am thinking of not going to my parent's place this weekend", she said in a low tone. "Why? Is everything ok Rosie? You never miss a week, did you fight with your mom again?" He asked carefully his voice laced with concern. "No, no it's just... traveling for hours to and fro is usually straining, I started going home because I had nothing better to do here, and no close friends in the city. Now that I have you, I was thinking maybe stay back? And go to a karaoke booth together? We can eat something out and be back?" Silence. She mentally cursed herself for making things awkward. "Forget it, Justin, I was just wondering, you don't need to-"
"It's a date" he cut her off. She smiled and said "Ok, see you tomorrow then, I got to go, bye Cookie, have a great day"
After he made sure she left and there was no sound from the other side, he laughed out of pure happiness. He couldn't believe it was happening. He was so shocked he couldn't form words, it was her saying Justin instead of Cookie that brought him back from his thoughts. He had his hands on his ears because he was surprised and was squealing happily. He composed himself, finished washing up, and went lay down on the bed. He was definitely not sleeping anytime soon. He started searching for good places to eat. He knows Roselyn is a great eater just like he is. He is searching for karaoke bars and different restaurants before he knew it he fell asleep.
"Are you sure, you are comfortable meeting? You are not doing this for me right?"
He woke up to see that message from Roselyn. He did not reply immediately. He needed to fully wake up and then give her a proper reply. He decided to wash up and make some lunch. He ate his simple meal and got back to his phone. There was another text.
"It is fine if you don't want to meet Cookie. You can just tell me instead of leaving me on read"
That is when he realized his mistake, he immediately replied, "I'm sorry, I was cooking and of course I want to meet you, Rosie. More than you can imagine. I want to look at the face of the person whose voice calms my heart. I promise you a good time tomorrow and make the canceled trip to your parents worth it"
She replies after a few minutes, "Ok then, I'll see you tomorrow"
He decides to skip work for the day because the night shift will result in him being tired for his date tomorrow.
He spent the evening searching his wardrobe for an outfit and making a proper date plan for the next day. He was happy with his little planning and hoped her to like it too. He made himself a simple dinner with some cold broth noodles. He texted her to be ready at 10 am the next day and wear something comfortable before he went to bed. He tossed and turned around unable to contain his excitement. Before he knew he fell into a deep slumber.

Beyond the walls (Rosekook AU)Where stories live. Discover now