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THE cafeteria had never been more quiet, as Sasha continued to eye the ice-cream ahead of her, sorrow clouding her beautiful aquamarine eyes.

Sasha's eyes reminded Noelle of the ocean, bright and blue, so full of life and curiosity, but today they were dull with despondency.

There was a frown etched onto her face that rivaled the great wall of China in length as she released yet another defeated sigh.

Tara, biting down on her chocolate bar released a groan of disapproval, flashing Sasha one of her famous Tara Liu death glares. "You've been watching that bowl of ice-cream and sighing for the past twenty minutes. Eat it already."

Sasha turned to Tara besides her with a scowl, crossing her arms over her flat chest. "Get thee behind me, Satan!" She cried theatrically. "If I want to fit into my costume for Battle Royale tomorrow, I have to focus on my low carb, low protein, low dairy, keto diet, I told you this."

Noelle's eyes widened at her words, raking her gaze over Sasha's petite figure. She was already as small as it gets, how much smaller did she want to be? "Just eat it, Sasha. You won't gain a hundred pounds from a bowl ice-cream."

Sasha opened her mouth to protest, but slammed it shut upon a certain realization, blue eyes alight in mischief. "I've got it!"

Noelle and Tara exchanged a worried glance with each other. Nothing good ever seemed to follow whenever Sasha's eyes lit up like that. "I can eat the ice-cream, then travel back ten minutes before eating it so that I don't have to gain weight. It's all the benefits and none of the consequences."

"We're not allowed to use our powers after 8pm, Sasha." Noelle sighed, wondering how she didn't see this coming, as this seemed to be Sasha's solution to all her problems in life.

Tara sighed besides her, shaking her head as she finished off her chocolate bar.

"Oh, don't be such a buzz-kill, judge Ashcroft. I'll be back before you know it," Sasha reasoned, throwing caution to the wind and scarfing down her double fudge-vanilla ice-cream. She moaned as the flavoures danced across her tongue, eliciting a sense of euphoria she was certain she'd never felt before.

"This is a bad idea, Sash. Remember last time you traveled back in time for petty stuff like this? You knocked over a vase and wiped out the entire state of Denmark."

Sasha rolled her eyes at Noelle's remark. She loved Noelle with all her might, but sometimes her overwhelming sense of right and wrong as well as her reluctance to break the rules got in the way of her fun. It was both endearing and annoying as shit.

Endearing in the sense that she'd always do the right thing regardless of the consequences, which was much more than Sasha could ever say for herself.

Annoying in the sense that she couldn't get away with much when Noelle was around without having to face off against her guilty conscience. It was bloody ridiculous in her opinion. What was the point of being a time-travelling teleporter when she couldn't enjoy any of the benefits?

"First of all, I fixed it... eventually... secondly, I thought we promised to never bring that up again?"

Noelle shook her head, biting down on the well-done steak in front of her. "You promised to never bring it up again, I promised to rub it in your face everytime I get the chance." Sasha smiled sarcastically at her words, reaching out her middle finger to argue.

But she didn't have time, if she wanted to reverse time before the ice-cream in her belly digested itself and added onto her weight, she had to get a move on immediately.

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