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THE silence in the room was deafening, but nothing was more uncomfortable to Seth than the chair in the principal's office.

He mentally facepalmed as he sat there in silence.

He had made a promise, you see, to himself.

He had said that this would be the year he wouldn't end up in the principal's office for this or that misunderstanding. He wanted to do things differently, despite rarely being afforded to opportunity to defend himself.

He chopped it up to shit luck. He wasn't really the type who didn't take responsibility for his actions, but every time he wound up in trouble at Bluebird Academy, it was always either a misunderstanding or entirely not his fault.

He remembered back in the eighth grade, when he'd gotten into his first physical fight. Chaser Kincaid had been bullying him for sometime, and he had finally gotten sick of it.

He was suspended for eight days while Chaser received a single detention afternoon.

Those were just the perks of being the son of the biggest monster since Hitler, he feared.

All the blame always fell onto his shoulders. It was easier to hold the inherently 'bad kid' accountable than to admit that Bluebird Academy wasn't so perfect after all.

Even now, when he glanced up at principal Petrov, he could see the pure disdain in her hazel eyes, she couldn't hide it if she trued.

She leaned against her desk, with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What happened to your eye?" She asked him, breaking the seal of silence they'd been engulfed in for the past ten minutes.

Seth felt his jaw tick as he tried to conceal the astronomical levels of annoyance he felt at being asked that stupid fucking question.

Instead, he brushed his hair back and focused his glower on the principal.

She looked just as she always had, with a glare as hard as rocks.

"I fell." He replied, leaning back in his chair and removing his gaze from her.

Instead, he studied her office.

Ms. Petrov chuckled incredulously, slicking her dark ponytail back once again as she tried to process Seth's explanation. "Right, you fell and somehow landed the perfect black eye." She replied, shaking her head at his nerve to tell such a lazy lie.

"Do you know why you're here, Mr. Grayson?" She arched a brow, lips pursed into a thin straight line.

Seth didn't reply, he only sat up straight in his chair, leaning in for Ms. Petrov to further explain to him what he was in trouble for this time, and how he'd rectify it.

Upon realizing that she wasn't going to get a response from Seth, she straightened herself, and began to pace behind Seth. "Bluebird Academy was established in 1638, did you know that?"

More silence followed suit, and she tried to push down an aggravated screech. She had to keep her temper down if she didn't want to accidentally activate her sonic scream, a power that was hard to keep under control, but after several years of mastery and school, she finally had it on lock.

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