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NOELLE always hated how Porter Hall, the boys' dormitories were infinitesimally larger than Barden West, the girls' dormitories.

She hated it so much that in sophomore year, she wrote an entire paper on it and started a petition renovate Barden West so that they would be equal in size.

Nobody signed it of course, but that was besides the point.

Now, she embellished in the length of the pristine hallways with extravagant tapestries of past male superheroes that hung on the walls while she got strange looks from male students who were very much aware of who she was and the fact that she was not allowed there.

It was no matter, the walk gave her time to think.

She could just imagine Seth Grayson, kicking his feet up on the bed and indulging in whatever luxuries were offered in his dorm, maybe a nice relaxing nap while the rest of his teammates were out in an arena, busting their asses for that A.

Felix dashed up from behind her, attempting to block her from reaching his room. "You are not allowed in Porter Hall." He reasoned nervously, working to block her from going any further.

But his tall build worked as a disadvantage this time, and Noelle slid past him from under his outstretched arm. "Tell that to the throngs of girls who've let you into their dorms in Barden West past curfew." Noelle arched a brow but continued in her hot pursuit.

She finally reached the door, room 303 but before she could yank it open, Felix plastered himself against it as a last resort, blocking her from entering. "You know I can't let you in there, Elle."

Noelle smiled a bitter smile, having told Felix a million times not to call her that, but she didn't have the energy to tell him off this time. "Move."

The intensity of her glare was more than enough to scare Felix off, and she grabbed onto the doorknob, pushing the door open in a fit of rage.

"Tried to stop her, mate." Felix's voice echoed throughout the room.

However, Noelle couldn't hear it, for her focus was on the gaming system hooked up to the giant television screen smack in the room.

Seth was sat languidly, kicking his feet up on a bean bag in front of the screen, focusing his full attention on the video game he was currently playing while his fingers maneuvered the joystick expertly as if he'd been playing for hours.

Noelle turned back to Felix with an arch sharper than a knife forming her dark brow. She scoffed, motioning to Seth who sat blissfully unaware, clicking away at the joystick while sounds of his vile game of killing and attacking carried on into the hallway as an echo.

Felix only shrugged, his face was alive with anticipation, almost as if he himself was curious to find out what the great Noelle Ashcroft would do to them upon finding out she'd been deceived.

Noelle didn't miss the way his eyes sparkled, like a little kid at a festival watching the fireworks go off. He crossed his arms over his chest, disapassionately and shrugged. "Busted."

Noelle didn't take too lightly to being deceived, especially since it cost her her flawless reputation.

She hated it almost as much as she hated non-reliable people who failed to communicate with her until the very last minute.

Felix used his arms to shield himself as she grabbed onto the lime green beanbag besides Seth on the ground and began to beat him with it.

"NEVER – LIE TO ME – AGAIN!" She shouted between hits, while Felix began to slowly sink deeper into his bed, a strange mix of whimpers and chuckles burst free from his sweet, dark lips.

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