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"WELL?" Noelle muttered, putting her chalk down on the table. Her voice echoed throughout the vacant room.

Seth took in a sharp inhale, pulling his head off of the table and shooting a stone cold glares at Noelle. "Well what?"

Noelle scoffed at his words, eyes widened in disbelief. "In case you haven't noticed," she explained, motioning around the vacant room they were both stranded in. "You owe me an apology."

This time it was Seth's eyes that widened, as he fixed his ice-pack back onto the top of his head. "An apology for what?" He exclaimed, while Noelle chuckled sardonically, shaking her head with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm in detention because of you! I've never had detention in my life and suddenly after a week of interacting with you, I'm sitting here sprawling 'I will not engage in pointless violence' on this damned chalk board. You persuaded me into fighting, like the delinquent you are."

"Really?" Seth scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Really, I persuaded you?" Noelle nodded at his words, fixing her now unkempt hair. "Funny, that's not how I remember it." He replied, shaking his head. "Wasn't much of a fight anyway..." he murmured, words to which Noelle shot a deadly glare.

"What? You bit me!" The truly irritated and disturbed tone in Seth's voice echoed throughout the room.

"So? I still beat you in a fight, meaning I'm better than you." Something about Seth just brought out her childish side, Something Noelle thought she'd tied and locked up in a dark room in her brain ages ago.

"In a schoolyard fight maybe." Said Seth as he set his ice-pack right on his head. He tried to ignore the way his head throbbed after somebody kicked it.

Yes, kicked it. What was she, an acrobat?

"Still a fight." Noelle mumbled under her breath, picking the chalk back up to continue writing her fifteenth edition of the prescribed sentence.

"A schoolyard fight is nothing like a real fight." Seth enthused, brushing the dirt off of his costume.

"It is in my book."

"Really? So you're saying that in a real fight you wouldn't shy away from giving the Joker a wedgie?" Seth arched a questioning brow at Noelle, who turned back around to face him.

"If it shuts him up the way it shut you up, why not?"

Before Seth could retort, however, a figure appeared in the room on one of the tables.

Sasha's knowing grin slowly slipped off of her face when she noticed the state of the only two other people in the room.

Her face contorted to that of mildly amused concern. "What in the H-E-double hockey sticks happened to you two?"

Noelle tried to ignore the way her breathing became more rapid, and she imagined all kinds of ways to rip her friend apart as she attempted to control her temper. "What do you want?" She snapped.

Sasha frowned, setting a green case of six unfamiliar looking beverages down on the table as she climbed off. "Mee-ow..." She grinned, realizing that the perfect, faultless Saint Noelle Ashcroft was most probably mortified at being thrown in detention for the first time ever, and she was definitely taking it out on everybody.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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