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NOELLE couldn't tell if it was in the suave way that Seth's arm immediately latched out like a crane to rescue her from the depths of human embarrassment and the floors of Bluebird Academy... or perhaps it was in the devious grin percolating through the surface of the crevices of his perfectly pale face, but she felt her stomach growl in disdain.

She smacked his hand out of the way and hopped up, dusting herself off incredulously.

She didn't miss the way Seth's brow arched in surprise at her actions, curiosity glimmering behind his eyes for all of five seconds before it was once again sealed away by his usual cool composure.

Everybody at Bluebird Academy was meant to be afraid of Seth Grayson, the problem child of the school.

Noelle saw him as less of a trouble child and more of a troubled child... after all, it wasn't his fault that he was the son of a notorious villain– he was just dealt the wrong set of cards.

She thought about all the other kids at the academy, and how easy it must've been for them to live their perfect little lives with not a care but their reputations and powers in the world.

Glaring down at Seth, she realised he must've thought the same of her.

He must've thought she was one of those perfect kids with no real problems, and that was probably why she held her academics at such high regard.

He didn't know the half of it.

Either way, she had willed it upon herself from the moment she entered the school on her first day of freshman year that she wouldn't associate with the wrong kind, and whether voluntarily or not... Seth Grayson was the wrong kind.

"If you don't mind," she huffed, holding her head high so her imaginary crown would not slip and trotted off into the classroom, with Seth trailing languidly behind her, his lips contorted into a somewhat annoyed frown.

"Good Evening, Ms. Ashcroft, Mr. Grayson." A high-pitched voice echoed throughout the air as Seth let out an unwitting eye roll.

Ms. Heron, arched a brow as her sharp grey eyes continued to glare daggers at the two late comers.

One of which looked tremendously apologetic, and the other who mirrored not only aloofness but an overwhelming air of disinterest.

She pursed her thin lips in thought, brushing her equally thin hair back with her pale fingers.

"I apologize for my tardiness." Noelle apologized, tucking a braid behind her ear nervously.

Ms. Heron didn't miss the way Noelle's eyes scanned the room as she entered, and how her friend Tara Liu mouthed something at her that looked eerily similar to the words 'I'm sorry' from where she was seated besides Sasha Stawski, who was watching with wide eyes and intrigue.

"Sit down, child." She replied swiftly, pointing Noelle in the direction where her other two friends were seated. "I was just explaining to the class that seniors will not be marked individually in this class this year." She explained as she watched Seth trail towards an empty table next to the mischievous Felix Khan.

"We're introducing group missions this year. To function as a hero in our society, like so many others before you..." She explained, casting a strict and dutiful grey eye on everybody in the class. "You must learn to work with others in a team. Play to the strengths of others to serve the greater good. If you cannot do that then you will not pass my class. Understood?" There was a hum of agreement throughout the class as she continued to explain.

"Splendid. You will split off into groups of 5-10 and come up with a noble name for your team. There will be five assignments spread out through the year... — but first; a challenge." She grinned, one that may have be associated with malice if she hadn't worn it so proudly.

"The Battle Royale is an exclusive event, here at Bluebird Academy. We pride ourselves in watching our students participate in friendly battles to test the strength of not only themselves, but each other."

"Here are the leaderboards from last year's." She said, flicking her fingers as a hologram appeared behind her.

Ms. Heron watched as the class reveled in her powers of projection as a scoreboard appeared on the board behind her, showcasing the rank of every student who participated in the Battle Royale the previous year.

Noelle couldn't conceal the proud smirk threatening to spill free from her lips as she watched her face besides the number one rank.

"However, this year, we're doing things a bit differently. The dean has allowed that you all participate in your assigned teams as a trial run of how the rest of the year will go."

After her announcement, there was a buzz if excitement in the air as she observed the students in the class. "I have been making my astute observations ever since you entered the class and I will be the one grouping you."

The excitement in the air changed as everybody else in the class deflated into their seats at the premise of not being put together with their friends.

"Starting with our two lovely late comers." Noelle's eyes widened as she slightly sank into her seat at the sudden attention from the rest of the class. "Noelle Ashcroft. You will be grouped up with Sasha Stawski, Tara Liu," a sense of relief filled her when she started hearing her friend's names.

This, she could work with. They all shared excited glances as they wondered who else they'd be grouped with.

They glanced around.

Probably, definitely Avani Parikh. Not only was she fourth on the leader boards, she was also very clever, a worthy adversary of hers for many years, but she wouldn't mind working with her in the long run.

Her gaze landed on Maria Espinosa in the corner of the class at the back, she was picking at the pink nail polish on her nails, and everybody else was trying to ignore the slight breeze that blew at her gorgeous raven locks back like she was a movie star.

Noelle couldn't help but roll her eyes. She was an elemental, with weather controlling powers and very little concern for school.

She was in it for the glitz and glam that came with being a hero.

She prayed her name wouldn't be the next to come out of Ms. Heron's mouth. She could just imagine her piggy-backing off of all her hard work.

"Seth Grayson, Felix Khan." Tara besides Noelle choked on her gum, her fiery eyes wide in shock as she shared a glance with Sasha besides her.

Sasha, too, was gobsmacked. "Pick your jaw up from the floor, Ms. Stawski. You may collect flies." Ms. Heron said, snapping Sasha out of it.

Noelle's first instinct was to glare. She couldn't glare at the teacher, so she directed her attention to the next best person — Seth freaking Grayson.

The same one she'd pledged to stay away from. The same one who now glaring back at her with equal disdain in his eyes.

It looked as if he was suffering a terrible reaction from something like food poisoning, his face was contorted in a way she didn't like very much.

"There must be a mistake–"

"I will hear nothing of it. This is your team now, and you will kick off the Battle Royale next week. Moving on... James Abbott. You will be — " but Noelle could feel her brain draining the rest of the class out, the only thing she felt was rage.

Cold. Hard. Rage.

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