To Make a Point

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Harper was different for the rest of the week. She wasn't as standoffish, but she was still cold toward just about anyone other than the marshals. Tim visited her every day to talk about the case, and she would be a different person, kind and happy.

She didn't show up to work on Friday.

It wasn't his business, but he went looking for her anyway. Something deep in his memories encouraged him to go to Crossroads. He found Harper's truck in the parking lot with multiple other expensive cars.

Heading into the bar, he was stopped at the door, "Unless you've got a pass, you can't come in."

"He's got a pass," someone yelled behind the man.

Tim felt cold as he stared into the black eyes of the head of the Delaney family. If Neil was in Kentucky, Harper was in danger.

He walked up to the Native American man dressed in a crisp black suit and red tie. The devilish looking man smirked, a gold tooth shining between his lips, "So, Deputy Tim Gutterson has come to find my daughter. She's just here to pick up money she's owed."

Neil grabbed Tim's arm and pulled him forward, showing a wrestling ring surrounded in iron bars, Harper standing right in the middle. She was covered in blood, and Tim wasn't sure how much was hers as he looked at the man at her feet.

"Bonnie-Mae isn't a separate personality, per se. She's always holding on to that old life just for cases like this. She's terrified someone will try to barge in on her new life, her new family, and destroy it. The man in the ring will die today by her hands. He threatened Art Mullen and she does not hold kindly to threats."

A bell rang loudly, signaling the end of the match. People cried out for her to kill her opponent, and a few people yelled reasons to do it, but Harper left the ring, snatching a duffel bag from the ground and walking to Tim.

There was a warning glare in her eyes as she placed her hand on Tim's arm and pulled him out of the bar. He was surprised by how tightly she held onto him. When they got to his SUV, she dropped the bag and hugged him.

Tim was hesitant.

"Sorry," she apologized as she stepped away from him.

He wanted to explain, but all he could say was "It's okay."

"What brought you to Crossroads?" She asked.

"I was looking for you."

"But, why?"

Tim couldn't remember, and seeing her covered in blood wasn't helping.

"Let's get you cleaned up, then we'll talk."

"You want to come to my place? It's closer."

He nodded, watching her climb into her truck and drive off. He followed her home, this time enjoying the long scenic view. He didn't remember her long dirt driveway being so bumpy. The potholes were like craters and some of the rocks felt like driving over boulders.

When they got to the house, Harper unlocked the door and left the duffel bag by the door. Tim wasn't sure she knew he was there. Her giant cat, Ninja was interested in him though. Tim hadn't realized the fur ball had been close to twenty pounds when he slept on his chest.

"Make yourself at home. I'll be right back."

Tim took a minute to roam around as she headed to the second floor. He barely remembered that quick morning, but he did remember waking up feeling better than ever, even if he was hungover.

Satisfied that he remembered where everything was, he headed to the living room and sat on the couch. No television. Only a stereo and bookcases. He picked up the book she had on the coffee table, the familiar artwork making him smile. The Lord of the Rings had been a favorite of his.

His Savior, Her Hero (A Tim Gutterson Story)Where stories live. Discover now