Game Day

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Harper didn't care much for the tv. She kept to her books while Tim watched sports, but she was practically immovable when a good murder documentary came on.

"Hey, is it okay if I invite the guys over for the game Sunday?" Tim asked.

"If that's what you want to do."

Harper had been a bit standoffish for a few days. Even at work, she kept the morgue locked from anyone visiting her, and she would snap at anyone, including Art.

"You okay?" He asked.

"As okay as I'm gonna be."

He looked outside the window. The sun was setting. She wouldn't let him touch her until it was dark, then she got almost unbearably clingy.

Sitting on the coffee table, he cautiously took the book from her hands, "What's going on?"

"On my period, Tim. It's best not to bother me."

He smiled a bit, gently cupping her face, "All that matters is that you're okay."

Almost immediately tears started to form in her eyes, "You said a nice thing. You can't say nice things."

She was almost sobbing. He sat by her, pulling her to him and let her cry. She was an absolute mess for well over an hour. It wasn't fun to listen to her cry and sniffle, but he could tell she wouldn't stop, even if he tried to help her. She needed the break.

At some point, he realized she was asleep. It was Friday, so he didn't move her. Turning down the volume of the tv, he started watching some movie. He didn't recognize any of the actors and the story wasn't that great, but it made him tired enough to fall asleep under her.

Ninja head butted him, waking him. Ever since he had fed him for nearly a week, he had practically stopped waiting for Harper and demanded Tim feed him.

"Leave Tim alone. I already fed you."

He wasn't used to smelling the particular savory and sweet smells first thing in the morning. Harper was making something and it didn't smell like breakfast.

Checking his watch, it was 6:30, and she was already up and cooking a lot.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

There was food on the kitchen table that looked like breakfast, as well as a cup of coffee.

"People are coming over tomorrow. It's for a football game. Game day snacks." She looked proud of her work.

"That is a lot of food," he said as he put his arm around her shoulders. Of course, all his friends would be able to eat all of it. The people he invited were the guys at the poker game and the guys he lived with. He specifically said no girlfriends, and they were all excited about a guys night, until the argument of Harper  being home was brought up.

To some of them, it didn't make sense why the owner of the home had to be home when it was guys night. Others wanted to see what Harper would wear next.

She had planned to lock herself up in her room and sleep. He had been worried about her constant exhaustion, but everything made sense.

If she made all that food for them, then they shouldn't have any problem with her being home. He was worried, though. His friends were idiots.

"How strict is your no girlfriend rule?"

"It applies to people that live here."

"Can it apply to everyone tomorrow night?"

"I'm going to be sleeping, so the rules are whatever you make them."

He kissed her cheek, "Thank you."

His Savior, Her Hero (A Tim Gutterson Story)Where stories live. Discover now