Chapter 9

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😊I hope, this will be a nice chapter😊
No one P.O.V
Wednesday morning, a morning that could have been great but was not, especially for the neighborhood where Hitoshi, Katsuki and Y/N were living. The reason was simple, none of them slept because of new neighbors that decided to move in the middle of the night and were extremely noisy. So when Y/N woke up, he only had 2 hours of sleep behind him. The fact that his mother and his sister took many turns to go to the toilets because of their morning sickness also prevented him from having a good night of sleep. And as if the universe had decided to be against him on that day, the coffee machine he had was not working. This made his all family gulp as they all knew how grumpy and irritated he could be without his morning coffee.

The boy went to take a shower and had the bad surprise to take a cold shower as the hot water tank decided to stop working which made him groan in high irritation. He dried himself up and this time had the good surprise to see that the modifications he asked for on the U.A P.E uniform had been accepted. He folded the uniform, put it in his bag before taking regular clothes.

He went downstairs, saw his mother with a pack of cigarettes in the hands and she quickly hid it in her back as he glared at her

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He went downstairs, saw his mother with a pack of cigarettes in the hands and she quickly hid it in her back as he glared at her.

"Y/N, that's not what you think! I was going to throw it to the trash!" Inuko said. The boy snatched the cigarette pack, opened it,  turned one of his thumb into lava, lighting up a cigarette and started smoking it and Inuko and Naomasa looked at him with wide eyes.If they were being honest, they all found the way he lighted that cigarette pretty cool. "Y/N... YOU SMOKE?!"

"Yes, since last year." He said.

"But you're too young to smoke!" His mother retorted.

"If I remember correctly, you told me you started smoking at 14 too so I don't see the problem here."

"I won't say anything about you smoking, but at least, if you want to smoke, wait until you're outside please." Naomasa said taking also a cigarette for himself. "But that's great to know I still have a smoking buddy in this house." (A/N: I'm gonna make Naomasa a smoker, because I think it suits him.)

"I didn't know you smoked dad." The boy said lighting up his father's cigarette too.

"How do you think I keep working a whole day?" He chuckled and they went outside to smoke living the mother still pretty shocked that Y/N was smoking. As the 2 boys were smoking, they were glaring daggers at their new neighbors. They finished their cigarette, Naomasa wished a good day to Y/N, before giving him money. "Could you buy a pack for me when you come back please?"

"Okay! Bye dad!" The boy said, the adult smiled and went back inside only to find Inuko sitting at the table and resting her head on it. "What's wrong honey?"

"My son and my man are smoking without me! Here's what is wrong!" She whined. "I also can't get over the fact that... HE IS SMOKING!"

"Well, you should have noticed that you finished your packs faster than before." Homura said drinking water.

Hell boys - Katsuki Bakugo x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant