Chapter 8

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No one P.O.V
The next day, Tuesday, Inuko and Naomasa woke up, went to the kitchen where they found Homura and Natsuo already preparing the breakfast.

"How is Y/N?" The mother asked her son-in-law.

"He managed to sleep the rest of the night so I think he is okay." The boy answered. "I'll check on him now." He said but Inuko beat him and went to see her son first.

"Midget, wake up." She softly said and chuckled when Y/N whined and turned around in his bed.

"I still have time, my alarm hasn't rung ye-" He said but got cut off by his alarm, making him whine again. He slowly and reluctantly got out of his bed, stretched his arms and winced. "Oh yeah... that happened..." He said and she hummed before gently ruffling his hair, that was now reaching his shoulders.

"Go take a shower, I'll prepare the bandages." He slowly nodded and tiredly walked to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Inuko opened a drawer, where many medical objects were perfectly packed, took disinfectant and bandages and put them on the nightstand then she sat on the bed, waiting for him to come back. He arrived back in his room, towel around his waist. He put boxers and pants on then his mother applied some disinfectant on his back before wrapping his torso in bandages. He thanked her and took a small box from the second drawer of his nightstand. "You're going to take your contact lenses?"

"Yes, Murakami-sensei said we would have an entire day of personalized training and I have more than enough of readjusting my glasses." He answered put a black sweater on first then his lenses.

"So I guess that's why you don't take your uniform today."

"Yep." He said then looked at her and sniffed her.

"What are you doing?"

"Sweet scent, toilet in the morning... you... you're pregnant." He said and she smiled.

"Exactly. And Homura too actually." She replied and he tiredly smiled before hugging her.

"Even though I don't look happy right now, I am. It's just that... I need coffee." He said. "I'm going to be an older brother and an uncle..." He trailed off and smiled mischievously.

"I know that smile. If you think I'll let you teach them any weird tricks, you're hardly wrong boy."

"I can't even have fun." He said and both chuckled.

"However, there is someone you can teach tricks to." She added and he looked at her in confusion. "I won't be able to take care of Cerberus during the next following months so I thought you could do it."

"Oh, yes. That's great, thanks mom."

"You're welcome but don't forget that after those 9 months, I take him back."

"Okay." He smiled and both went downstairs where he greeted Homura, Naomasa and Natsuo. He was then going to take a coffee but found no pods in his box and Homura slowly averted her eyes. "Hm? That's weird. I checked yesterday and I was supposed to have enough coffee pods for the end of the week. I don't understand. 4 pods don't disappear like that." He lowly muttered looking blankly at the now empty box.

"Hum... I may or may not have taken your coffee to taste it because it always smelled good and I wanted to try." Homura said. "I'll get you a new box today." The boy walked to her and hugged her.

"Good, at least you know what is good for my little brother or little sister. They won't have your bad taste in coffee which is a good thing." He said and she bonked him making the others laugh. He then decided to take hot chocolate instead of his usual coffee then went back upstairs with Homura. "Do you have an elastic band I can borrow? I need to tie my hair up."

Hell boys - Katsuki Bakugo x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant