Chapter 46

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No one's POV

"Stop it you psychotic bitch." Amy continued to fight her off but she knew there wasn't a chance. Instead she layed there and released silent tears as the older girl made her way down her body.

Just as Elizabeth started to reach her hips the young girl felt hopeless. She felt empty and powerless. She knew there was nothing she can do to stop what was about to happen. As the tears rolled down her cheeks she thought of her friends and family. How much she misses them and she wondered what they were doing at the moment. Her mind went back to her boyfriend.

  Was he upset? Is he still looking for me? Has he tried to move on from me? Did he think about me everyday as I am thinking of him? Questions filled her mind as the older girl slowly lifted her shirt. Suddenly her mind wandered back to one of her best friends. Becky.
  I know she's upset. I know she is going to try and move on as if nothing was wrong. She has probably given up hope on finding me. She sighed and thought about the two of them. It brought more tears to her eyes as she thought about the love she had for the two. She knew she loved them both. Having to spend hours by herself in the dimly lit room made her question her feelings for them and she realized that it was the same.  She loved them and she knew that one of them should be touching her the way Elizabeth was at the moment. She knew that she had to do something or think of something quickly before Elizabeth could take something away from her that she could never return.

"I'm on my period." She blurted out. The older girl stopped her actions and looked up at her.

"Are you serious?" She questioned. Amy nodded her head.

"Yup. And I have a heavy flow so unless you want blood on you I suggest to leave me alone." Elizabeth groaned out loud and sat up on her smaller body.

"I'm going to have your blood on me anyways when I kill you."

"You're still going to kill me after you just tried to have sex with me?" Amy asked. Elizabeth wiped away the tears from the young girls face before she answered.

"I have to kill you."


"Because it'll be revenge to your parents." The older one sighed as she released her grip from Amy's wrist.

"What do you mean revenge? What did my parents ever do to you?" Amy asked as Elizabeth got off of her.

"I can't tell you." Elizabeth said as she started to untie her ankles.

"Why not?"

"Because you can tell someone."

"I'm locked in a room with fricken Sumo Wrestlers outside. I don't think I have anyone to tell." Elizabeth looked at her questionably. "Besides, you're going to kill me anyways. I at last deserve to know why."

  The older girl sighed before sitting on the bed. Amy scooted all the way to the headboard and waited for the explanation.

"It's not only revenge on your parents but revenge for your friends parents as well." Elizabeth started off. "My father wants to get your dad's back for what they did to my mom."

"What did they do?"

"Our dad's were great friends when they were in high school. My dad told me how they all grew up together and did everything together."

"My dad was close friends with yours?" Amy asked in disbelief.

"Yes. The thing is that my dad got my mom pregnant before graduating highschool. They graduated but were kicked out by my grandparents right after. My dad needed to get money in order for them to have a place to live. At that time his 'best friends' were going to school to study business. My father wanted to go with them but he couldn't afford it so he took the only job he could find."

"What was that?" Amy asked as she listened intently.

"He started getting into the drug business. He sold for many people and made enough to get by. After I was born things got rough. His friends found out what he was doing and refused to speak to him. My dad was upset so he tried to get out of the dirty business and decided he wanted to study to make his own company. Of course the fuckers he worked for wouldn't let him go that easily. Besides, he needed money to pay for his schooling."

"So he stayed in the dirty business?" Elizabeth nodded. "Is his name Kyle?"

"Yes. How do you know?"

"My parents talk about him sometimes. He's business buddies with all of our dad's." Amy said. Suddenly all of the puzzle pieces started coming together. "What happened after?"

"Well, when I was three all of your dad's had already started their businesses due to their parents help while my dad was still struggling. They were starting to get loads of money while my dad kept loosing some. He said that one night he was robbed and they took everything he had. Unfortunately his boss said he had to pay for everything or else he will receive his payment another way. My dad begged his 'best friends' for money but they refused because they knew where it was going. All ten of them didn't want to help him because they didn't want to get involved in the dirty business." Elizabeth furiously wiped away a few tears that were falling out of her hazel eyes.

"So what does that have to do with revenge for what they did to your mom?" Amy asked.

"Well, my dad wasn't able to come up with enough money so they broke into my house and tied him up. They killed her right in front of him. He said that they were going to kill me but spared my life because they thought I could be great use in the future. After my mom's murder my dad said that your dad's tried apologizing but that they didn't regret what they did. Apparently they said he never should have gotten involved in that business anyways and other bull shit. What they don't know is that he didn't have a choice."

"He did have a choice. He knew that he was getting involved with that kind of material but he still went for it." Amy said.

"He only went for it because it was quick and easy money." Elizabeth snapped at her.

"It might have been easy money but he knew the dangers of it so it is not our parents faults that your mother was killed. It was his."

"How dare you say that!" Elizabeth screamed before slapping the teen across her cheek. "My mother could have been alive if they would have helped him but they were to selfish to give him a penny!"

"They had every right to not give him shit! He got himself into that mess knowing the possible outcomes and they told him to get out of it so don't you dare say that they were selfish! They just didn't want to get involved and possibly endanger their own lives!" Amy shouted as she stood from the bed.

"If they were his true friends they would have risked their lives to help him! My father has full rights to hate them!"

"No he doesn't! The only rights your father has is the right to blame himself for your mother's death!" The second those words left Amy's mouth Elizabeth tackled her to the floor.

"Don't you ever say that!" She screamed as she repeatedly hit the young girl. Amy tried to defend herself but the fact that her hands were tied didn't help. After being punched in the stomach multiple times Elizabeth finally stopped. She quickly called one of her best gaurds in.

"Tie her arms to the bed and leave her alone." She ordered him. He nodded his head and grabbed the rope from the floor. "Feed her the minimum and don't be afraid to beat her if she smart mouths you."He nodded again and stood above the teen.

  Before Elizabeth left the room she turned her attention to the girl on the floor. "Your friends deserve to die and so do your parents. I just need to wait until Christmas and all of my problems will be gone." She said before leaving the room and slamming the door shut.

   The gaurd sighed and carefully wrapped his arms around the teen. She whimpered at his touch. He tried to be as gentle as possible and slowly placed her on the bed. He ran into the bathroom and got a small rag before wetting it. He made his way to her and gently wiped off the blood that was pouring out of the newly fresh cut on her side.

"I'm so sorry Amy." He whispered to her after he finished cleaning her up.

"It's okay Daniel, I understand." She whispered in a shaky voice. He shook his head before tying her up and leaving the room.

*Does anyone remember who Daniel is????? By the way this is a filler chapter. Anyways, have a good day.*

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