Chapter 22

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Camilas POV

"Ok we're here." Lauren said as she drove into a parking lot. My head shot up and I looked around. I saw animal signs everywhere.

"Omg we're here!" I shouted as I reached for the door handle. I opened the door but Lauren grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"You crazy bitch I haven't even parked the car yet!" She shouted as she glanced between me and the parking lot. I groaned and sat back before closing the door. It took fricken five minutes before we found parking. When she finally parked I hopped out of the car and stood outside. It was still cloudy but at least it wasn't raining. Lauren was taking her precious time getting out of the car.

"Lauren you look great now hurry up." I grabbed her hand and dragged her out.

"I don't know I think my hair is a little messed up." She said releasing my hand and trying to comb through her hair. I stopped walking and turned to face her. I slapped her hands away from her head and I started fixing it myself.

"There you look hot now. Let's go." She blushed.

"Thanks." She turned to face the floor as I dragged us towards the entrance.

"Umm Lauren how much is the entrance?" I questioned.

"Oh don't worry about that i'm paying."

"But you made me bring money."

"I was just kidding about you paying for yourself. Come on." She pulled me towards the ticket booth. She payed for my ticket and we walked around. I was really excited when I saw the animals. I'm so glad Lauren actually took me out. I probably would have died of boredom at her house.

"Hey Lauren I found your twin." I said pointing to a monkey. She glared at me and walked away. We went into the petting zoo section and fed some of the animals.

"Hey Camz are you two related because you sure as hell act the same." She said before she burst out laughing. I looked over to see what she was talking about. 'Fucking bitch' is the first thing that went into my head once I saw her pointing at a pig who was eating his food. I turned to her before I punched her as hard as I could on her arm.

"Owww. What the hell. You can call me a monkey but I can't say you eat like a cute little piglet." She said as she grabbed her arm. I walked away from her, but not before I pushed her away from me. I started walking to the food area when she caught up to me.

"Ok i'm sorry....well maybe i'm not because it was just a joke but seriously you didn't need to hit me." She said as I got in line to get chinese food. "Please just talk to me."

"Lauren it's whatevers. I'm not even mad i'm just fricken hungry."

"Ok let me buy you food then." She said with a big smile.

"Well it's not like if I was going to buy it myself." I said with a chuckle. She smiled even bigger and shook her head. Once we ordered we took a seat under this tree next to the giraffes.

"So you wanted to know what happened?" She questioned once she finished eating. I gave her a confused look. "You know about my brother and sister."

"If you don't want to tell me about it you don't have to."

"But that's the thing. I want to." I nodded my head and sat next to her. I grabbed her hand knowing that something bad had happened and it would be hard for her to explain.

"A year ago the three of us were home alone. Taylor was just like you. She never locked the front door. Well we were in the movie room watching Peter Pan when we heard some noises downstairs." Tears had started falling down her cheeks so I wrapped my free arm around her while I rubbed circles on her hand. "We knew it wasn't my parents because they had left to a friend's house for the weekend. I told Taylor and Chris to stay in the room and to lock the door but they didn't listen. I was 15, Chris was 13, and Taylor was 10. I went downstairs and saw someone looking through our things. I was going to run back upstairs and call the cops b-but Chris he...." Her voice cracked and she started sobbing into my chest. "He ran up to the man and tried to beat him up. It happened so fast I didn't even notice that they left the movie room. The man threw him against the wall and started hitting him. I ran behind him and tried to fight him off. He started hitting me but I kept telling Chris to go upstairs but he was to stubborn so he jumped on him and that's when the man pulled out a knife. I swear I didn't see Taylor there. S-she was trying to get him off of me but he threw Chris against the wall harder than before. The man grabbed Taylor and stabbed her. I started screaming and pushed him away from her. He was coming towards me again but Chris got in the way and got stabbed as well. The man then held the knife in front of me. He threatened to kill me. I thought he was about to stab me to, but that's when my friends came in. The man looked scared so he pushed them out of the way and left. We were supposed to have a sleepover that day but instead we ended up sleeping in the hospital."

She started crying even more. I was speechless. What kind of psycho stabs kids? She kept crying for a few minutes more until she spoke up again.

"Ever since then Taylor has been to scared to even come near the house. Chris has been having nightmares of the same thing. It got so bad that a month after the incident my parents decided to take them to a rehab facility so they can get therapy for it. I haven't seen them since then. I'm to scared to see them. I feel like I don't deserve to see them."

"Lauren why would you think that you don't deserve to see them?" I questioned.

"Because I could have done something to stop them. It should have been me. They were to young to have gone through that." I wiped away her tears and rested my forehead against hers.

"Lauren you didn't know they left the room. You tried everything you could have they just didn't listen to you. You said it yourself that you tried to tell Chris to go back to the room while you let the man beat you. I would say you were brave to do that. Lauren don't punish yourself for that one incident. As for not seeing them I suggest to visit them. Maybe seeing them would give you some sort of relief to know that they are doing fine." We stayed like that for a while until she stopped crying. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and we walked around more. Once it was already 8:00 we decided to head home.

"Camz can you drive? I'm just really tired." I nodded my head and got in the drivers side. I started driving around when she fell asleep. To be honest I have no idea where the hell we were. I parked on the side of a street and put the address into the GPS. Not long after I was on the road home. I played soft music so I wouldn't wake up Lauren. Thinking about what she told me earlier made my eyes tear up. I glanced over at Lauren. She looked so peaceful. It surprisingly hurt me knowing how she felt about the whole incident. How could she blame herself for something she had no control over? I sighed aloud and reached over to grab one of her hands. I entwined our fingers and kissed it. I don't know why I did that but, oh well, to late to take it back. After the long drive I finally arrived at the house. I parked the car in the garage and looked at Lauren.

  I didn't want to wake her so I closed the door and went inside the house. It was sprinkling so I grabbed an umbrella and left the front door open before I went back to the garage. I unlocked the passenger door and carefully pulled Lauren out. I placed one hand under her butt and another on her back.

"Oh fuck." I mumbled once I was carrying her. I closed the car door with my foot and opened the umbrella once we were at the garage door. When we were inside the house I dropped the umbrella and closed the door. This time I made sure to lock it. I wouldn't want Lauren to worry anymore. It was then that I remembered the stairs.

"You have to be kidding me." I groaned once I was halfway up. I struggled but somehow I made it up. I placed her on the bed and took off her jacket and shoes. I threw them to the side. I was to lazy to change so I took off my shoes and cuddled into Lauren. Once covered up I wrapped my arms tightly around her and kissed her forehead before I fell asleep.

*And finally Lauren confesses. Have a good day everyone. *

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