Chapter 9

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Camilas POV

I woke up shivering. Jeez why is it so cold. I sleepily sat up and looked around. Serously it's 4:35. I looked over at Lauren. The bitch was all wrapped up in her fricken blanket. I groaned and grabbed the blanket pulling it away from her. She needs a bigger blanket. This one isn't big enough for both of us if we're to sleep on opposite sides of the bed. I lied back down and cuddled into her blanket. When I was about to sleep I felt someone pulling on the blanket. I quickly held on tight and pulled back.   I heard someone groan and felt them pulling the blanket away from me.

"Let go." Lauren mumbled in a sleepy voice.

"No. I'm cold and this blanket isn't big enough for the both of us." I mumbled back.

"Well then suck it up and give me my blanket."  She said feircely pulling making me loose my grip. I was immediately hit by a cold breeze. I turned over to face Lauren and saw her all cuddled up and falling deep into sleep.

"Lauren.....Lauren.....Laureeennn....." I said. I heard her groan.

"I'm colllddd." I whined to her.

"Ok I don't care." She mumbled into her pillow. I sighed out loud and just layed down facing the wall. Just don't think about the cold. Yeah I heard that if you don't think about it you won't feel it. I layed there for about ten minutes. Minute by minute it only got colder. I curled up into a ball and tried to get warm. I started shivering. Why is it so cold? I then felt a blanket over me. I quickly grabbed it and cuddled into it. When I got warm I opened my eyes to see Lauren right in front of me.

"Just go to sleep."  She mumbled.

"Mmhhmmm." I said and after that I fell asleep.

"LAUREN GET UP RIGHT NOW!" I heard someone shout. I sat up immediately and checked the time. It's 7:45. I looked over at Lauren and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Lauren your mom is calling you." I whispered. Just then her mom walked in with an angry expression. Lauren sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Lauren! What the hell did you do to the house?!" She shouted at her. Lauren sat there confusion clear on her face.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"The house is a complete mess. The lawn looks horrible and the kitchen has water puddles everywhere. Not to mention the laundry room full of soap and there is trash thrown all over our backyard." She said pacing back and forth throwing her hands in the air.

"But all we did was clean the house I don't know what you're talking about." Lauren responded. Clara turned her head and glared at Lauren. I just sat there awkwardly looking between them.

"You call that cleaning! The house was clean when I left. I think you did the mess instead of clean it." She said angrily.

"I'm sorry but I did tell you I have no idea how to clean. I mean you didn't even tell me how to do it. You at least could have done that but no instead all you did was hand me the fucking list expecting me to understand." Lauren said angrily. I felt even more uncomfortable.

"Don't you talk to me with that tone young lady unless you want another punishment."

"If you talk to me in that tone then why shouldn't I talk to you with it." She responded. Wow is Lauren always this stupid? Wait if she gets in even more trouble then that means her mom might give a longer vacation to the staff, which means were going to have to clean longer. No I can't let that happen.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Mrs. Jauregui but most of the mess was also caused by me." I said and stood up from the bed. "I'm sorry." I stared at the floor.

"I guess I could of at least have told you girls how to do certain things. Please call me Clara sweety. I'm sorry I don't want you to think that i'm a crazy lady."

"Oh no Mrs. Ja....Clara." I said and smiled.

"Ok then I am already an hour late for work so I'll see you later. Just leave the mess I'll call someone to clean it up and then they'll show you how it is done. Bye Camila, bye Lauren." She said before exiting the room.

When she left the room Lauren jumped out of bed and stormed into the bathroom. I just sat down on one of her couches and turned on the tv. When a whole episode of spongebob passed I felt like I was going to pee myself. Jeez how long does she take in the bathroom. I just decided to wait a little bit longer. I waited another twenty minutes.

"LAUREN HURRY UP IM GUNNA PEE MYSELF." I yelled running to the door.

"Well hold it in i'm going to shower."

"OH MY FUCKING GOSH. JAUREGUI OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I pounded the door. Gosh I can't hold it anymore. I heard her groan. When I heard the lock I pushed the door open, accidentally hitting her. I pushed her out, locked the door, and ran to the toilet. While I did all this I heard Lauren shout at me.


I was to busy to respond to her.

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