Chapter 4

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Lauren's POV

I turned around and started shoving people out of my way. It's so annoying when people gather around looking for entertainment. I am beyond pissed. I walked to the quad and sat down at a table. The girls sat around the table with me.

"I can't believe that Alyssa bitch pushed you Mani." Amy said turning to face Normani.

"I know! I seriously thought we were going to get in a rumble!" Becky exclaimed.

"We were until Mr.Johnson came and stopped us." Olivia stated.

"I have a really bad feeling about this year." Normani said while glancing at all of us.

"Me to," I began to say."I mean the fact that we almost got in a fight with them before the first day of school even started just shows that it's only a small amount of time before something happens." I look over at every single one of them. "Come on let's get our schedule." They nod and we stand up and head to the tables that were placed in front of the library. Each table had signs on them that had an amount of letters from the alphabet. We knew that it was based on our last names. One by one we cut the lines and grabbed our schedules. People were complaining about us cutting until we gave them glares so they decided to shut up. When we all had our schedules we looked them over to see if we had any classes together.

1st period: English

2nd period: History

3rd period: Science

4th period: Ceramics

5th period: Math

6th period: French

Great I have all of my boring classes in the morning. Are they doing this on purpose just to see if I will fall asleep in class. When we compared our schedules I found out I had English with Normani and Olivia. I guess it wont be that boring. I found out I have History with Amy. I know I'm not going to be sleeping in there because she hates that class as much as I do. I have Science with Becky and Normani. I feel relived because they are both good at science so I can copy their work. I have Ceramics with Becky and Amy. Only God knows what will happen in that class with them two together especially since we are going to be dealing with hands on activities. I have Math with Olivia. I feel myself smile because I am honestly horrible at math so her in class with me will help me alot. Now French. I realized I am on my own in there. I should have figured I mean why would they take French as an elective.

"I'm just glad we don't have P.E. anymore." Olivia said.

"I know I fucken hated P.E." Becky said as we wandered through the hallways waiting for first period to start.

"Shut up! You know I made it fun." Amy said winking at Becky, making her roll her eyes.

"Yeah seeing you trip every time we ran was pretty funny." I said causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey at least I didn't get hit in the face when we were playing soccer." She said with a smirk.

"Well me kicking your ass afterwards was also pretty fun wasnt it?" I said while laughing at her. She just raised her middle finger at me causing everyone to burst out laughing. Just then the bell signaling it was time to go to class rung. "Let the Hell hold begin." I mumbled.

I walked with Normani and Olivia to English. We sat at the very corner of the class. We were discussing how boring this class was going to be until I heard Normani mumble "Great." I looked up in the direction she was looking when I saw her. Her dark brown hair fell to her waist over her dress. Seriously who the hell wears a dress to school. Gosh she's such an attention seeker. I noticed she was glaring at me as she sat in the opposite corner of the class to my right. I noticed Dinah was sitting next to her. I turned my attention back to the front when the teacher walked in.

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