Chapter 7

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Camilas POV

"Great!" I mumbled to myself as I sat up on my bed.

Today is the day my parents are going to leave me at the Devils house. All week my family has been packing for the big move to California. I wish I could go with them ,but my parents are right. It's better for me to stay so I can graduate here with people I know. I feel bad that Sophie will have to make new friends in a different state.

  I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom. I really am going to miss this place. I've been here ever since I was born. I took a quick shower and went back into my room. I checked the time on my phone. Hmm it's 11:21, I'm supposed to be ready by 12:00. I grabbed some shorts and  a T-shirt from my suitcase and got dressed. I decided to let my hair air dry. I put on my slip-ons and headed downstairs. When I walked into the living room I stopped. The furniture was still where they were before. My parents only packed our pictures and sentimental objects to take with them. They decided not to sell our old home in case they ever wanted to visit again.

"Come on Camila we have to drop you off so we won't be late for our flight." My mother said as she walked out the front door. I grabbed my bags and placed them in the trunk. I decided to wait for them in the car.

  After a few minutes of scrolling threw my phone I heard the door open.

"Hey Sophie."

"Hi. Why do you have to stay here while I have to move?" She asked as my parents entered the car.

"I have to stay here for school." I replied.

"I have school to so I can stay with you." Sophie said with a smile.

"Don't be silly Sophie. You can't stay here we will miss you to much." My father said as he started the car. Well that hurt.

"What about Camila? Won't you miss her to?" Sophie questioned. Oh God I don't want to hear the answer to that.

"Of course we'll miss her, but we'll miss you more." My mother stated. I felt tears threatening to fall out of my eyes but I decided to ignore their comments. The rest of the car ride was silent. After about 30 minutes we arrived at a big house. It had a huge lawn that was horribly cut. My dad parked into the driveway and got out. I took a deep breath and slowly got out of the car.

"Get your bags while we say hi to the Jauregui's." My dad said walking to the front door with my mom at his side.

"I'll help you." Sophie said grabbing my backpack from the trunk.

I smiled and said "Thanks kiddo." She grabbed my hand after I took my bags out of the trunk and we headed to the door. Right when we reached our parents the door opened revealing a man. He smiled brightly and gave my mom and dad a hug.

"Hello Mr.Jauregui nice to see you." My father said.

"The pleasure is all mine." He replied. "Sadly I must go as I am late for work. Please try and be comfortable here Camila. Goodbye and have a safe flight." He said making his way to his car.

"Clara," my mother said as I turned my head to face a woman. "I'm sorry but we must go."

"Oh it's fine I wouldn't want you to be late. Hello Camila." She addresses me.

"Hi." I said giving her a smile.

"Bye Camila." My dad said giving me a quick hug and heading to the car.

"We'll see you soon dear." My mom said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Come on Sophie."

"Wait I need to tell Camila something." Sophie replied.

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