Chapter 15

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* I hope you enjoy this chapter ;) *

Laurens POV

I slowly opened my eyes when I heard chattering. Once my eyes were fully open and I had gotten used to the light I saw Camila staring at me with a smile plastered on her face. I furrowed my eyebrows and sat up while rubbing my eyes.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked with my voice more hoarse than I wanted. It was then when I realized two other people in the room. I turned my head and saw a girl glaring at me. I furrowed my eyebrows more. She had dark brown hair that was split in the middle. She was tall compared to Camila.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"I'm Zendaya." She said with attitude. Yeah I definitely remember that attitude.

"Well can you get the fuck out. I don't like waking up with bitches in my room." I replied with just as much attitude.

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that?"

"Bitch you're in my house I can talk to you any way I want." I said standing up. I started making my way towards her until Camila dragged the bitch out. She took her into the hallway and shut the door. That's right Camila tame your bitch. I chuckled to myself. I turned my attention to the other girl.

"And who are you?" I asked more harsher than I intended it to be. She looked at me with a small smile. I know who she is but I just want to see how she will respond. She ran her hand through her light brown hair then looked at me with her brown eyes.

"I'm Alyssa. I'm really sorry about waking you up. I told them we should talk somewhere else but Camila insisted we stay here because you needed to wake up anyways." She shifted awkwardly.

"What a bitch." I mumbled. She started to chuckle at my comment.

"Soooo..what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well Camila said we should come over so we can hangout." She answered shyly.

"She only asked two of you to come?'

"No the others are on their way here." I felt my eyes open more. Fucking Camila. I told her I didn't want her stupid friends in my room, and what do I wake up to? HER STUPID FRIENDS IN MY ROOM! I am beyond furious.

"Camila told us about you not wanting us in your room so i'll just lea....." she started to say until I cut her off.

"No it's fine. I mean you're already in here. Just sit or something but don't touch my stuff." Just then Camila came in with that Zendaya chick. She glared at me and sat on MY couch. I opened my mouth to say something but Camila pulled me out into the hall.

"So are you going to tell me why you brought your stupid friends to my house." I snapped at her as soon as she closed the door.

"Jeez you're not a morning person are you." She said with a smile. I glared at her and she just rolled her eyes.

"Look I invited them here because you said I could and...." I didn't let her finish talking because my anger got the best of me.

"I said the house not my fucking room!" I raised my voice at her.

"It's the same thing." She said calmly. I looked her in disbelief. "Look they're already here so you just have to deal with it." She reached for the door handle but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her farther down the hall.

I took a deep breath and looked at her yet again.

"Fine I'll allow your damn friends to be in my room. But if they are anything like that Zendaya bitch they're out."

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