The Ultimate Fighting Style

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"Alright! Thwackey, use Drain Punch!" Ash shouted. Thwackey used Drain Punch on a Raticate, knocking it out in the process. "Great job Twackey, you're doing awesome."

"Ash," Lillie called out. "You're now ranked 1509. You're getting closer to being in the top thousand."

"Thanks," Ash said. "I'm going to take a break from training, let's go to the Pokemon center." Ash and Lillie both walked over to the Pokemon center, Ash was very exhausted from all the training he did. He handed Nurse Joy his Pokemon so they can have a rest. Ash then looked on the mini TV.

"Look at that, there's actually a Battle Facility in Vermillion city right now," Ash pointed. "Maybe that's where I should increase my ranking."

"Well it does look like there are far more powerful trainers," Lillie commented. "But it does look fun."

Ash continued to watch the battles that took place in the Battle Facility until he saw a familiar trainer, someone who he has battled before, "Hold on, isn't that... Korrina?"

"Ash, who's Korrina?" Lillie questioned.

"Korrina is a gym leader in the Kalos region, I battled her and won. But I didn't expect to actually see her in Kanto," Ash explained. "I bet she's also participating in the World Coronation Series."

"So what you're saying is that... You wanna battle her again," Lillie guessed, in which Ash nodded.

"So what're we waiting for? Let's go-!" Ash was cut off by Lillie.

"You're Pokemon are still resting so that's what we're waiting for," Lillie reminded Ash before he exited the Pokemon center.

Moments later, Ash and Lillie start heading to the Pokemon center, Ash is hoping that he'll have a chance to battle her. Once they have finally arrived at the battle facility, there seemed to be a lot of people being queued up for a match.

"Ash, there's so much people here. How are we going to find her?" Lillie questioned. "I can barely see anything."

"I think I should just queue up a match first," Ash suggested. He then walked up to the front counter after accidentally bumping into a lot of people and then queued up a match. "Hello, I would like to battle here please."

"May I see your Rotom Phone?" The women standing behind the counter asked. "You'll need to verify yourself so we can record the battle so your rank can go higher." She further explained.

"Alright," Ash pulled up his Rotom Phone. "My name is Ash Ketchum."

She scanned his Rotom Phone and said, "You've been queued up with a random participant. Please wait, we'll call you once your battle is ready."

"Thank you so much," Ash thanked the women. He walked back to where Lillie was waiting. "Hey Lillie, I queued up. My battle is going to start once they call me up. Why not go watch the current battle that is going on right now?"

"Sure, I'd love that," Lillie said, wanting to get out of the crowd as soon as possible. The duo then walked over to the stands where the audience was watching the battle. They both sat down and looked at the two trainers. One of them was a man who dressed up as a cowboy for whatever reason who was using a Rhydon. And the other one was a trainer with a Lucario.

"Wait.. Is that?" Ash paused for a second. "Isn't that Korrina battling right now?"

Meanwhile on the battlefield, Lucario hasn't even been touched yet and Rhydon is currently falling onto the ground, then Korrina shouted, "Lucario, finish this off by using Aura Sphere!" In a moment's notice, the Rhydon fell down on the ground and eventually fainted.

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