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     "SO.. WHERE EXACTLY ARE WE GOING?" Asked the h/c haired devil.

     "Somewhere." Responded Makima. They were both in a Black car, being driven 'somewhere' by a man in a black suit and glasses.
    "Oook, but where is somewhere?" Asked Y/n, stretching out the o in ok. "You mentioned something about an organization right? Are we headed there?"

     "You ask too many questions. By the way, I didn't get a chance to get your name, did I?" Said Makima. She was lying, she already knew her name. She knew everything. She just wanted to here it from the source herself.

    "Oh right, it's Y/n." She responded.

     "Alright then Y/n, here we are."



     The duo proceeded to enter the huge building, recieving stares of both curiousity and or lust. Two beautiful woman, side by side in a place where you don't usually see that all the time. Too bad they don't know one of them is a devil.

     "This is the organization?" Asked Y/n.

     "Yes, this is where you will be working at. I already found someone who will be supervising you." Answered Makima.

    "WHAT, but this place KILLS devils, and I'm a DEVIL. How does that make sense?!" Y/n whisper yelled.

    "Well, you're not the only devil that works here. " Makima said, shutting down Y/n's remarks.

    "I better not get a lame loser that'll supervise me, or else I'll kill myself." Y/n snapped back, unaware of the fact that Makima could easily have ended here there and then from that comment. However, she refrained from doing so as she knew better.

    "Dont worry, I'm sure he is up to your demands."

      'He huh? We'll see about that'

    Just then, Makima turned a corner and there was a door, different then all the other ones. This one looked like it belonged to someone important.

    "Are you ready to meet your new roomates?" Asked Makima. She turned to Y/n, expecting an answer.


    Makima, paying no attention to her sudden outburst, then turned around and opened the door, revealing her new 'roomates'. One had blueish-blackish hair, tied into a mini ponytail, with an earring in each ear. His orbs being a beautiful emerald color. He was also wearing a black suit with a katana strapped to his back. He had a stoic expression.

     Another one had scruffy blonde hair, with yellow brown eyes, making him have a sort of dazed expression. He was wearing a suit without the jacket, and seemed bored.

     The last one had strawberry pink hair, with two red horns sticking out from the top of her head. She had yellow eyes and her pupils seemed to make a cross. She also had a suit on with a sweater/coat hanging on her arms. She was sitting on the floor when they came in.

    "Makima-san, you called us here?" Said the green eyed man. He was actually pretty cute. Not to mention the way he spoke so formally was ho-

     "Yes Aki, I called you all here to show you your new roomate/partner: Y/n." Said Makima.

   "With all due respect Makima-san, I already have two others to supervise, I don't think another can work." He hastily responded.

    Makima then walked up to 'Aki' and whispered in his ears with her sultry voice: "Aki, do it for me."

    Aki then blushed a bit, and quietly responded with an 'ok', ending his once hesitant stature.


     "Alright then, it's settled. Please take Y/n along with you to her new place to stay."


     The ride home was quiet since they didn't properly introduce themselves, Aki was planning to do so at the apartment.

    Just when they entered the Apartment, Aki's phone rang with a call from Makima.

    Aki rushed outside to take the call. "Hello, this is Aki."

    "Aki, can you send Denji and Power to the building, they are being sent on a mission and they need the details, which are here."

     "Yes of course, but what about me?" Aki responded.

    "Unfortunately, you'll have to stay to keep watch of Y/n. I'll be going now."

     "Yes of course, goodbye." Aki Hung up. "Sorry Power, Denji, no time for introductions, you guys need to get down to the office. You guys are being sent on a mission."

     "Already?! Aw man we just got here. Come on Power." Said Denji, stealing one last glance at you before standing up from where he once sat. They both then proceeded to walk out the door, leaving Y/n and Aki alone.

    It was then Y/n felt warmth come from her lower body, the sensation slowly but surely getting warmer.

     'Ah shit.'

     "So, Y/n was it? Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself? Maybe as to why you're here even?." Probed Aki. If only he knew what events were about to happen next..

 If only he knew what events were about to happen next

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A/N: Lime chapter next👾👾

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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