Chapter 4

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Vic's pov*
"Hey Captain is everything okay" I asked when I noticed that Andy was just laying down on the gym floor.
"Yeah I'm fine Carina stopped by early in the morning to grab Maya's things and it was hard for us and well it was hard to see that state that Carina is in" explained Andy who was still looking up at the ceiling.
"Did she give you anything of Mayas?" I asked as I sat down on the floor next to her.
"Yeah she gave me a hoodie and she gave me the last photo of me and Maya together. I didn't even realize Carina took a picture of us that day" explained Andy as she moved around a bit to put her head in my lap.
"What was the picture of" I asked gently as I played with her hair.
"I was hanging out with Carina and Maya it was a rough shift for Maya that day remember that day we went to a call and a dude attacked Maya because of whatever reason well me and Maya were at her place drinking and we got drunk and started smacking the shit out of each other with the pillows and then we ended up passing out on the floor it was an interesting night to be honest" laughed Andy.
"There was this one day you were off but we gotten this call it was an intense call but oh man Maya came out of that building traumatized one of the residents she went to go rescue was naked and she saw more than she wanted to she went back to the station and showered for what felt like hours and was tempted to pour bleach on her eyes" I laughed.
"Oh my god, do you remember when Jack thought he could beat Maya at a race before we even knew she competed in the Olympics the deal was if he won every time it was his turn for bathroom duty she would have to do it and if she won he would do it for a whole month oh my god she smoked him" laughed Andy.
"God the number of times we walked in on them god I felt like I should have gone to therapy from that alone" I said.
"I mean eh they were an attractive couple hmm" said Andy.
"Come on we need to get up who knows what is going on with us in here" I said.
"I guess you are right" said Andy as she took a deep breath and stood up and helped me up as well.

Carina's pov*
"Carina you can't be here when you are this intoxicated how did you even get here" sighed Jack.
"I want to be with my wife" I slurred as I stumbled a little bit.
"You better step away from her" said Dean as he pushed him away from me.
"Hey, Car why don't we take you to the captain's office" said Dean.
"No I want to be with Maya I don't want to do this anymore I want her back please" I cried.
"Shhh it's okay why don't we go find Andy and Vic they will most likely be better help than me right now" said Dean as he went to grab me.
"Please don't touch me it'll be too soft" I said.
"That's okay I won't touch you you know you are always welcome here Carina you are still a part of the station 19 family that won't ever change" explained Dean as we went to knock on the captain's door.
"Hey, guys what's up I thought I heard some yelling earlier but I couldn't be too sure is everything okay" asked Andy who was holding hands with Vic.
"Carina is a little intoxicated and she said she needed to speak to you but Jack got into her face when she said that she wanted to be with her wife I had to push him away from her I'll take whatever punishment you give me but I couldn't let him get into her face like that" explained Dean.
"I won't punish you for protecting her but I'll speak to Jack after thanking you for bringing her to me" said Andy as we went into the office.
"Do you want Vic to stay or do you want her to leave" asked Andy?
"She can stay" I said nervously.
"Okay, do you want to sit on the floor against the wall" asked Andy making me nod my head.
"Do you want to tell us why you came to the station intoxicated not that we are judging you because you are allowed to grieve however you want if that means getting drunk then that's okay" said Vic.
"I want to be with my wife guys I can't sleep anymore because I have nightmares of her being trapped and begging me to help her. I had a good dream the last time I slept me and Maya were cuddling on the couch watching the movie black and blue and it was nice until I woke up and realized she was gone it's a scary feeling. I just want to be with my wife again" I said.
"Oh Carina is there anything you need from us" asked Vic.
"I don't want to feel alone I know Jack is mad that I won't talk to you guys but I've been scared that you guys wouldn't want me here anymore since she's gone" I explained.

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