Chapter 4

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The young Ariak opened and closed her mouth for a few minutes, hesitating on whether to ask Nico a question that lingered on her mind.

The two of them had stopped at a cafe to get a large cheeseburger for Nico while Kara took the fries which came with it.

Nico had offered to buy her, her own meal but she was more than happy with his fries, anything more, she knew, would make her vomit.

"Whatever it is, just ask me. Watching you repeatedly open and close your mouth has been really sad, Kara," Nico teased and she rolled her eyes.

"Your mother?"

"What of her?" Nico asked, curious at what Kara knew of the woman.

"She's your dad's wife, right?"

Nico laughed. "Okay, it makes sense that you're confused. Let's backtrack. Mom came into our lives when I was a bit more than a year old, she and Dad got married nine months after."

Kara nodded, processing his words carefully.

"The twins were born due to an imbecile who wanted a powerful baby, the moron, their biological mother, placed Dad under an enchantment to make him think that she was Mom whilst Mom was on a trip with a few of her friends. Using said enchantment she forced Dad to have a baby with her..."

Kara frowned.

"Turns out she got two, and was super happy to be the mother of two heirs to Fire. But, when Mom discovered what had happened, the woman was stripped of her Fire and arrested. The twins have been living with us since."

"Oh, I'm sorry, that must be a touchy subject," Kara apologized.

The boy shrugged.

"Not really, even the twins, Mom, or Dad would have told you that equally as bluntly. The thing with Fire users is, we are known to be straightforward, and don't take offense easily. We're the strategists of the Aspects, we act out of logic, whilst Sky is the more emotional and acts according to their feelings. Sea is somewhere in between the two, they are free spirited, yet logical. Point being, it's just something that happened. We can't change it, so we don't fuss about it... Besides, we got Hiro, and Kiez out of it so there is a good part to the mess."

Kara nodded, thoughtfully.

"Don't get me wrong though, it wasn't right and it was a horrible thing of her to do. Dad felt so vulnerable afterward, and for a while had to make a hundred percent sure everyone he cares for is who they say they are. But, it's over now, and we got amazing kids out of it."

Kara chewed her lip, thinking. She took the new information about the Vadeus family, and the Aspects to heart before continuing...

"Nico? Earlier you said that Hiro and Keesa are heirs to Fire. What does that mean?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, didn't I? Dad is better known around the Aspects as King Vincent Vadeus of Fire. This makes me, Hiro and Keesa, since we are his kids, heirs to Fire. Hiro and I are the princes whilst Keesa is the princess. The kingdom loves Kiez the most though, she's the sweet baby whom they all want to protect. But, who can really blame them?"

"No, she's adorable... Wait you're a prince?"

"Yeah... Technically my full title is, Prince Nicholas Vadeus, First Heir to Fire... At your service my lady," Nico said nodding his head politely whilst maintaining a teasing yet serious tone.

"Wait. Does that mean I have to like bow to you cause you're a prince?"

Nico burst out laughing.

"Technically it depends on which Aspect you end up being from. But, no I'd never make you curtsy to me. Any customs applied to acting towards a royal, you can ignore when it comes to me, I promise."

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