Chapter 12

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Kara wandered around the hotel room where she found Oron sitting on the balcony, staring at the clouds. In the distance, one could see the waves of the nearby beach; however, Kara's focus was on her friend.

Oron carried a weight on his shoulders, something that was pulling him down, threatening to suffocate him, and it was obvious to her that Nico and Aline knew what and why. It would explain the whole walking on eggshells thing.

Kara could see Oron wanted some alone time so she stayed out of his way, instead, making brunch.

When it was prepared, Nico and Aline were both still out like a light, so Kara placed their plates of toasted bacon and eggs in the microwave, taking her own plate as well as Oron's.

She gently walked up to him and offered Oron his plate.

He looked at it for a second before wordlessly taking it.

Kara smiled.

Oron didn't.

Kara stared at the sofa next to the one Oron was sitting on, silently asking whether he wanted her to leave or stay.

Oron tilted his head in the sofa's direction so Kara sat down.

For nearly ten minutes neither said a word.

"You're worried," Oron broke the silence.

Kara, still with egg in her mouth tilted her head.

It made her look like a puppy who stole someone's food and was now pretending to be innocent even with the food still clearly visible in their mouth.

Oron couldn't help but to slightly smile at the picture.

After a minute, and Kara swallowing her food, she responded, "You said I'm concerned. I always worry, Oron. Nonetheless, you seem hurt so yes, I am worried."

Oron raised a brow. He was shocked at the lack of Kara demanding to know if he was okay. He hated that question. Okay? How can anything be okay? Yet, Kara simply answered his question. No further pushing, just continuing to eat her food when she was done speaking.

"Thanks. I however promise you needn't worry, today is simply a day I hate. The anniversary of losing someone I loved."

Kara stared thoughtfully at him before answering, "Oron, I will always worry. That's just what I do. Seeing you three attack monsters, no matter how many times you have done it, or seeing you with a sad expression, troubles me. However, losing someone isn't a 'simply' matter, I've seen grief in all forms growing up. Death is not something that really ever gets better. The thing is, you look like you blame yourself."

Oron let out a tiny gasp.

"I can't pretend I know what happened, but I know this much, unless you pulled the trigger, or whatever the Enchantian equivalent of that expression is, you didn't kill this person."

Oron searched Kara's eyes and was met by nothing but sincerity.

She smiled.

Oron pressed his nails into his palms, attempting to ground himself, not wanting to seem weak by sobbing.

Kara simply took his hands, silently telling her friend to remove his nails.

He did.

And whether it was the fact that Kara was showing no indication of disgust at him for feeling weak or just the blood that was now where his nails once were he didn't know but something caused Oron's shield protecting his tears to break and he started to cry.

Kara cleaned the blood in his hands as he did, not acknowledging his tears. She knew what it felt like to close the blinds. To pretend to be okay. And she knew he would hate her pointing out him crying, so instead she simply held his hands as the boy cried.

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