Chapter 11

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When they arrived at the park, Kara jumped out of the car and ran toward the benches.

Behind her, on high alert, her friends smiled at her antics.

"Why did you want to come here?" Aline asked.

"Because... we are going to play hide-and-seek. I'll be the seeker. You three hide. If I find you, you're on my team. The first person I find is the seeker in the next round!" Kara exclaimed, a bright smile on her face.

The looks she received in response were what Kara could only title, 'huh,' so naturally she giggled.

"Here. I'm going to count to fifty. All you have to do is, during that time find a place to hide so that I don't find you. No matter what I say, stay hidden until I find you!" Kara explained.

"What is the purpose of this exercise?" Nico asked.

"It seems like a sort of stealth training," Oron replied.

"It's not training, it's fun!" Kara explained.

She only received another set of 'huh' looks, so Kara pouted, deciding that they'd figure it out as they played.

"1. 2. 3..." Kara counted with her eyes closed. The others present shared a look, running in different directions.

"34. 35. 36..."

Kara continued as her friends settled into hiding spots.

"48. 49. 50! Ready or not, here I come!" Kara screamed before, into the first way she saw.

She checked the fountain, no one. Checked behind trees, no one. Under benches, no one. Behind trash cans, no one. Inside the toilet stalls. No one. In trees. No one.

After ten minutes Kara got tired.

"Wow, you'll are so good at this game," she told the air while checking inside the bushes.

Another ten minutes passed and Kara decided it was time that she could worry.

Did they leave me here? No, they'd never do that, she told herself.

Did they get hurt? Did a monster attack whilst she played a game? Thoughts rushed a mile a minute causing Kara to panic.

"Okay, guys... I give up. Can you come out now? Please."

No one came.

Kara became more panicked. Forgetting about any shyness she ran in multiple directions asking random strangers if they saw where her friends were.

All of them answered the same, "No, sorry..."

Kara panicked more.

"Guys? Please come out, you win, please?" Kara begged, continuing to run around checking any place she could think of.

Unbeknownst to Kara all three of her friends were watching her, patiently waiting for her to find them. Kara did say no matter what she says they had to stay hidden. Clearly, her running around was just Kara realizing they've been training in stealth since they were little.

Unrevealed to her friends, Kara really didn't know that.

"Please?" Kara begged, tears threatening to fall. "Guys? Are you okay? Did something attack, no one can be this good at hide-and-seek?"

Oron caved, not liking the worried looks on Kara's face.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he asked from behind Kara.

The latter turned in his direction, running to hug him.

"I thought a monster attacked, what happened?" Kara asked.

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