Ch 6: 1 step closer

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Warning: blood scene ahead, it's not that intense but still warning in case you don't like that stuff

Yn's POV
I was inside my house, I went to my room and changed my clothes and dried my hair. I might catch cold. I feel so cold! I laid on my bed and tucked myself inside the blanket and got all cozy. I didn't realise that I felt a sleep.

Jungkook's POV
"Yn!" I said with a joyful voice, she was sitting against a tree, I ran towards her. As I came near her, I saw her white dress covered with blood. "B-babe? W-who did this to you?" I said with a cracky voice. "Kookie, I love you a lot....promise me you will always stay happy" she said while weakly smiling. "No no no, I won't stay happy, only you can make me happy! Yn please don't leave me, I don't have anyone to rely on, no one to share happiness with" I said while crying. Yn took some strength to lift up her hand and caressed my cheeks, suddenly her hand fell and hit the ground. "Y-yn, yn baby, don't joke around please, I love you, please please please don't l-leave me!" I was a crying mess.

"YN!" I shouted while waking up. Thank god this was a dream, but is she really ok? Should I call her? I called her eventually, the phone was ringing for a while, she finally picked up

Y: hello? (She said in a sleepy voice)
J: yn are you ok? Are you hurt?
Y: Jungkook calm down
Her voice is so calming
J: I-I s-saw y-you
Y: Kookie calm down
J: Kookie?
Y: oh oops I meant Jungkook
J: no don't call me Jungkook, I like Kookie more
Y: ok, but what happened?
J: just a bad dream
Y: don't lie, it's more then that
J: I saw you
Y: yeah, what happened after that?
J: you were covered with blood, y-you were dying, I saw you die in front of my eyes.
Y: Kookie, don't worry, I am fine and I will stay with you forever ok?
J: thank u
Y: well now that you are fine should I cut the call now?
J: yeah umm also
Y: yeah?
J: I know we are taking stuff really fast, let's go slow, let's get to know each other
Y: yeah you are right, let's start with friends then?
J: the word friends sounds so weird in this situation but yes let's start with friends
Y: haha, ok I'll talk to you tomorrow then
J: okay bye

It was so nice talking to her, oh god what am I doing? I am getting distracted, if my enemy gets to know about this, he is gonna take the advantage. I can't lose this time!

Time skip (next morning)
Yn's POV
I woke up and did my morning routine and went downstairs for breakfast, it was like a usual morning, we laughed, we talked and of course we ate. But then again, something was off with dad, he looked really stressed these days.

"Hey yn, i was going to the new office building today, do you want to join me?" My dad asked while giving the sweetest smile. "Yeah sure, I always wanted to go to your work place" I said with an excited tone "Ok great, go get ready fast, I am waiting"

We went to the car, dad's driver took us to the new office, there was a black car behind us, I guess it were guards but why would we need so much protection, I mean we are not some celebrities, we are just rich. Something seemed off but I ignored it.

When we were getting inside, the whole place was filled with guards, this is so weird! "Yn go inside the cabin and wait for me ok?" I nodded immediately and went inside the cabin. I was sitting there and was browsing some stuff on my phone when suddenly the telephone in that cabin rang, I picked it up. When I picked up the call I heard two people talking on the phone, I guess the telephone connected to the call, I hope they don't find out. Wait this is dad's voice?

"Boss, I think they are about to find about me betraying them" the stranger said, "how is that possible, I told you to be careful, you need to do something, or else I won't be able to help you out of this" my dad said but with a cold tone. "Ok boss, I'll update if I find anything else" the stranger said. The call was declined. I put the phone down immediately, I can't let my dad know about what I have got to know about him. Well technically I haven't figured it out yet.

Jungkook's POV
"Hyung I cant wait anymore" I said while looking very seriously at yoongi. "Jungkook.." Hyung said with a calm voice. "Hyung no, we are risking a lot right now, I want that man of ours dead! We know he his working for him!" I shouted at yoongi. "Jungkook we need to get some info through that guy" yoongi said with a serious tone. "Torture him until he speaks the truth and when he does...............kill him and that's final!" I said with an angry tone. Yoongi nodded and left.

Time skip (9 pm)
Jungkook's POV
I went down to the basement and saw James tied up with the chair, "b...boss I d-didn't do a-a-anything." James said with a really scared voice. "Oh is that so?" I took out my gun and started to walk around him. "Boss I swear I didn't do anything" James said, he really has reached my last nerve, "YOU SWEAR? YOU F'CKING BETRAYER" I said as I held his collar tightly. "You are so gonna regret this" James got very scared when I said "regret". "Now give me some good information" I said as I sat on a chair in front of him, not a single response from him "oh so you have a death wish I guess?" I put my gun on his head as I said it "James you know that I never hesitate to pull the trigger right?" James nodded, "I will tell you", "now that's my man, gets started now" I said while giving an evil smile.

"He has increased the protection, and he has a nice family", "James even I had a family, he didn't hesitate to end my family, I won't kill his family, I will only kill him and till now you haven't given any good information so get ready to be dead now" I said. "No no no w-wait, there is more, he has bought a building for his so called company, it's located at xyz place, he is there for the whole day, but the security over there is very tight" James said, "now that's called good info, I am proud of you James, don't ever betray me again ok?" I asked, he nodded immediately, I untied him , he got up and started to walk out of the door.

Thud, the body collapsed while giving this sound, "you will never betray me James cause I am never gonna give you that chance to betray me" I had shot him, blood was flowing out of his body, in no time, there was a pool of blood. I killed him cause he would betray me again so he deserved it, "clean up" I commanded the guards as I walked out of the basement.

Sry for updating so late, I was ill and my exams have started so I was very busy, I will try to update often!

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