Ch 10: bestfriend

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you felt a sudden pain in your arm, for a while you thought you were shot right in you heart but thankfully you weee shot in the arm, a lot of blood was coming out from your arm, everything started to become blur infront of you, the last thing you saw was jungkook's face looking at you with tears in his eyes, you were happy that you saved him, saved the LOVE of your life.

*time skip, at the hospital*
You woke up in an unfamiliar room, you looked around and tried to get up but the pain in your arm was still there, "oww" suddenly jungkook came to you with a very concerned face, "yn are you fine? Do you feel dizzy? Should i call the doctor? Why did you try to save me? WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!?" he said while hugging you tightly, you patted his back and started to pat his back harder "owww jungkook my hand is still paining, stop hugging me so tightly it hurtssss" you hissed in pain. "Oh i am sorry, now answer me WHAT THE FUCK WERE U DOING", you were shocked by his behaviour, "calm down kookieee, i am fineeee" you said with a reassuring smile and gave him a thumbs up.

"Yn you need to be serious about this, what if you died? What would i have done? I would have blamed myself, i would have maybe committed suicide, then you giving your life would have become a waste" he said with a very serious face, "yah koo, calm down, you stressing over this is giving me a headache" you said while massaging your forehead, "now yn-" you interupt jungkook as a thought hit your mind " wait a minute, why the hell was that guy trying to kill you? Actually no wait, he was trying to hurt you badly", jungkook choked on air and started to cough, "hum i don't know, its a mystery to me too", "are you sure jungkook?" you said while raising you right eyebrow. He nods in reply, "yn i have to go, do you want me to drop you off?" "No, but can you ask them to get me discharged today, my family will get worried about me and i cant tell them that i got shot", he nods and smiles at you.

*time skip, at your home* (sry for so many time skips, i am a lazy author)

You entered the house while covering your injury with a jacket you bought in the way. "Where were you for so long?" You looked at the owner of his voice, it was your dad. "Oh um i felt like going out so i just walked here and there, i even bought this jacket see" you said while pointing at your jacket, your dad hummed in respond, "ok dad, i am going to my room now" you quickly ran to your room.

You changed your clothes and the bandage that was on your arm and layer down on your bed. Why was that guy trying to hurt jungkook? Out of all the people there, he pointed his gun ag jungkook only, its so weird, all the thoughts were running inside your mind, the thought of jungkook reminded of the hot moments you had with jungkook, you started to feel so hot "ughh yn stop with the dirty thoughts." You slept after a few minutes as you were very tired.

Jungkook's POV
"He knows my every move, he is tracking me, he is again one FUCKING STEP AHEAD OF ME!", jungkook takes the expensive wine bottle on his table and then he threw it on the mirror infront of him. Some one came running towards him, "jungkook control yourself, you need to fucking calm down" hoseok said while looking at jungkook with a very serious face. "No hobi hyung, because of him yn got hurt!" He said as his hands started trembling and he then put his hands on his head while looking down, "wait a minute, who is yn?" Hoseok looked at jungkook with a confused face, "oh i don't know, it just um came out from my mouth, i wanted to say someone", "you are good at lying but just not good infront of us, your hyungs" hoseok said while crossing his arms.

"Yn is um my um g-girl-", "oh come on jungkook, say it already, she is you girlfriend" jungkook blushed hard at what hoseok said, "i um yeah you are right" he said while looking down in embarrassment. "You should have told us, jungkook you have taken a responsibility of someone else's life now, you got to protect her, i am very sure she doesn't know who you are, so thats why i am asking you to be more careful"  hoseok said while patting jungkook's shoulder, "also i am telling everyone that you have a GiRlFrIeNd" he said while wiggling his eyebrows, "what no waittt" it was too late, hoseok was already gone. Jungkook chuckled a bit.

J: when are you coming back tae hyung?
T: tomorrow, i am done with the business here
J: should i come to pick you up?
T: nah, i will come from a cab
J: oh ok
T: also you have a gf now eh?
J: not you too
T: why not me? I am your best mate
J: don't tease me like others please
T: jungkookie, just wait, i will come back and tease you so much, it will be so fun
J: i swear i am gonna make you run around the whole house like crazy
T: yeah yeah, i don't careee, jungkook is in loveee and thats what i care about!
J: do this one more time and i will tell everyone about your crush
T: you don't even know my crush
J: i am good at cooking up stories
T: don't you even dare-
J: lalala i don't careee, bye bye
T: you double bunny! Anways bye bye see ya tomorrow
J: see ya

Jungkook declines the call and looks at the ceiling of his bedroom, "i wish yn was here right now with me" he slowly drifts to sleep.

*next morning*
Jungkook came out of his bathroom wearing just a robe, his hair was wet, he dried his hair and dressed up in his navy blue coloured suit. He went to his secret lair where his office is, he had bought a sandwich and coffee on his way. He was sipping his coffee and working on his laptop when suddenly his door slammed open revealing yoongi. "What happened yoongi hyung?" Jungkook was confused as he looked at the panic yoongi. "J-jungkook, its taehyung...." jungkook got up from his chair with coffee in his hand, "what about him hyung?" Jungkook said while panicking, "his car got smashed by a truck, he lost a lot blood, he is on his way to xyz hospital" as soon as jungkook heard those words, the coffee mug fell from his hands and he fell back on his chair, taehyung and jungkook were best friends, he was the closest with taehyung, he used to become a child whenever he was around taehyung, he was his only source of happiness before yn had come in his life. The whole world stopped for jungkook, he knew it, he knew who did it and now he is not going to let that guy live.

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