Ch 13: Trying to move on

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*5 days after the incident*
Your days were back to normal, you would go to the office then you would come back and have dinner then you would go to sleep. Everything was the same except your jungkook wasn't there with his bunny smile. You were sitting on the couch in your living room, you were lost in your thoughts, suddenly someone tapped your shoulders and sat beside you, "dad?" You said, "what happened sweetie?" Your dad asked you, "nothing dad, i was just thinking about work", "yn listen, if you are getting sad over that guy, then you are wasting you time, why are you wasting your time on a killer? I know you loved him, first love can be a mistake too sometimes, first love isn't true love always ok?" you nodded in response. He got up from the couch and then went to his room.

*at jungkook's place*
His room was filled with bottles, glass shattered everywhere, a beautiful vase was broken in to pieces, the whole bed was messed up. Jungkook was in the bathroom, he filled up the bathtub and got inside it with his clothes on, one hand of his was holding the side of the bathtub and the other was holding a bottle of liquor which he was drinking everyday, every minute. His mind had stopped thinking, he was just staring the wall infront of him. Meanwhile, his hyungs were worried, they had been calling him everyday but jungkook would decline the call everytime.

*at their workplace*
Jimin was calling jungkook but he wasn't picking up, he dialed again and again until he gave up. "Did he decline the call as usual?" Yoongi asked, "no, he is not responding only, it says that the user is not picking up the phone" jimin said with a worried face. "Guys i am getting worried, lets go to jungkook's house please" jin said while getting up from his chair, all of them nodded and then they went inside their car.

*back to jungkook's place*
Jungkook was so drunk that he started to be unconscious, first his that was holding the liquor fell down from his hand then his hand that was holding the side of the bathtub started to loose its grip. Meanwhile his hyungs had reached jungkook's home, everything was in its place, then they went to his room, it was locked. They knocked the door but there was no response, "jungkook-ah please open the door" jin said while banging at the door, "jungkook please open the door for us" hoseok said with a concerned voice. "Lets just push the door open with all our force" jimin said, jimin and namjoon started to bang the door as hard as they could with their shoulders.

"Thump" the door opened up, they got inside the room only to see a mess, the room smelt like liquor, they couldn't see jungkook anywhere, "guys the bathroom!" Namjoon said while pointing at the bathroom door, thankfully it was not locked, the opened the door and saw jungkook inside the water, they immediately picked him up from the tub, he was very heavy because the water made his clothes heavy. They kept him on the floor, he wasn't breathing, they gave him a CPR, jungkook suddenly came into sitting position and vomited out the water that was inside him. He was breathing heavily.

They were now sitting in the living room waiting for jungkook to come downstairs after getting dressed up and clean. Jungkook came downstairs in his formal attire that he usually used to wear. He came downstairs and sat among his hyungs. It was silent for a while, "how is taehyung?" Jungkook said as he broke the silence. "He is stable but still in coma, but what about you jungkook? How are YOU?" Yoongi said while crossing his arms, jungkook got up and said "what about me? I am the same as before, i am FINE" he then went towards the main door. "Where are you going jk?" Hoseok asked while getting up and going towards him. "To the work place" jungkook said coldly and went outside of the house slamming the door shut. The hyungs looked at each in silence.

*time skip at the work place*
Jungkook was sitting in his office doing nothing, he was just staring out of the window seeing how the city was so busy. Suddenly someone came in without knocking the door. Jungkook didn't seem to care. "Jungkook" jin said, "hm" jungkook said not bothering to look at him, "are you like this because you couldn't kill him?" Jin asked onky to get a cold response from jungkook "no", "then?" , "i lost something precious, and when i lost it reality hit me hard" jungkook said as he finally looked at jin right in his eyes, "w-what do you mean?", "oh everyone knows it, its just no one had the strength to tell me" jungkook said as he got up from his chair, jungkook's way of speaking and his actions were scaring jin, "strength to tell you what?" Jin asked, "that i am a fucking HEARTLESS SOUL AND A MONSTER" he smashes both his hands on the table making jin flinch. "Jungkook what has happened to you? Which precious thing you lost and who said that you?", "my precious thing made me face the truth, the real me and what's the point talking about my precious thing, it doesn't even care about me anymore" jungkook said as he sat on his chair again and looked at the city view like he was doing earlier.

*yn's work place*
You were working on your computer when your besties came, "heyy girl" Lisa said with her wide smile, "how's your life?" Jisoo asked while sitting beside you "fine" you said with your eyes still fixed on your computer, "how is Boyyyyfriendd?" Rosé said with a weird tone, your hands stopped working, your mind could only see Jungkook, cold sweat was dripping down from your forehead, "ooo someone's shy" Jennie said while trying to tease you. "Boyfriend? I don't have one" you said as you came back to reality and started to work again, "oh so now is he your soon to be hubby then?" Lisa said while laughing, "no, I don't recall loving or liking someone" you said with zero emotions on your face, but inside you were hurting like hell, you wanted to forget him but every small thing was reminding you of him. "What? What do you mean?" Jisoo said with a confused face, "I said what I said, now I have a meeting to attend with the boss please excuse me" you got up from your chair and then straight went to the washroom and checked if anyone was there, then you cried your heart out, "why Jungkook? Why did you do this to me? I fucking hate you so much now"

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