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Chapter 3

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As I find my way back down the hallway, Ethan calls my name. He's playing his video game while everyone is downstairs, and I find it rude, but I'm not his parent. "What was that about with you and Maddie?" He asks. "You are with Katie, right? Or am I imagining things?"

I step inside and close the door behind me, shuffling heaps of clothes and random water bottles to make my way to his bed. It's so messy in here that it's disgusting.

"Yeah, I am." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "I was just going to tell her that she didn't have to tutor Katie. I know it'll be awkward for her, and—"

"And you had to let her know her hair was pretty," Ethan smiles and lets out a laugh, pausing his game so that he can look at me. "Look, I just want to let you know that I won't stand in your way anymore if you want to date my sister. I was stupid when we were in high school, and if you have feelings for her after all this time then I'm not going to hold you back. Clearly, you're serious about it, so I'm not opposed."

I stare at him dumbfounded for a few seconds, unsure of how to reply to that. He doesn't understand that what happened between Maddie and I wasn't all based on his opinion of us. It was more than that.

And I'm with Katie now. She's funny, gorgeous, and kind-hearted. She would do anything for anyone, and I appreciate that about her. I'm not going to give that up when Maddie probably doesn't even want a relationship with me anyways.

She had a five-year plan, and we aren't there yet. She's at Briarwood and if I'm drafted, she surely won't want anything with me. I'd have to move and travel all the time. That's not a life she'd want to sign up for. Katie is all on board for it.

"Thanks, but that ship has sailed," I tell him. "I've been with Katie for a few months now and I really like her."

He smiles as if I'm lying and starts his game back up. "Okay. I'm just saying, there's a reason why you just got a girlfriend after four years. And there's a reason why Maddie is still single. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out."

"I think you're putting too much thought into it, bro." I chuckle and find my way back to his door, moving clothing and plates out of the way. "Maybe you should put some of that thought into cleaning your room."

"Fuck out of here!" He laughs as I close the door shut and let out a massive sigh.

I shouldn't have made the comment about her hair. I didn't know Ethan's door was open, and if I had then I would have kept my mouth shut. But Maddie looked gorgeous. She always looks gorgeous. Was it a crime to tell her that?

If I had known she would be here then I wouldn't have come over. I would have stayed as far away from her because I knew I would get like this. Suddenly my thoughts are all fuzzy, and all I can think about is her.

And just now, when she opened up that door in just a damn t-shirt, I pictured all of the things I could do to her. I miss those breasts, and I miss her face when I was inside of her.

I wanted to push her right into that room and down onto her bed. I'd move that little t-shirt up and lick her clit over and over again just like I used to. She was always so wet for me. The wettest anyone has ever been for me.

Good god.

What the hell is wrong with me?

It was only a fucking month that we dated, so why does it feel like a train came out of nowhere and hit me now that she's here? I've been with Katie for longer than we ever dated, but I don't feel like this around her.

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