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Chapter 19

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I find myself waking up to darkness. Maddie's backside is against me completely naked, my arm draped around her waist. Picking my head up slightly, I squint my eyes at the alarm clock and realize that it's three in the morning. Maddie's skin is so smooth, and her body fits against mine like the final piece of a puzzle.

Kissing her shoulder, I run my hands up her stomach and then grasp onto one of her breasts. It's warm and full in my hand, and I find myself growing hard against her.

You'd think after four rounds that I'd be done, or exhausted, but I'm not in the slightest. It's been way too long since I've had her all to myself. Since I've been inside her. I want to make love to her again and again.

"Maddie," I whisper hoarsely into her ear. She stirs slightly in her sleep but still doesn't wake.

Moving my hands down past her stomach, I rub my hand between her thighs and feel her behind back up more against my erection. She's definitely awake now.

"Mmm," she hums, wiggling her behind against me again.

"Can we go again?" I whisper into her ear. "Please?"

She nods silently, so I move her onto her back and roll on top of her. My lips find hers in the dark, and nothing honestly feels better. Her hands come up to grab onto my curls, tugging to somehow get out her aggression.

Slipping inside of her is so easy since she's already wet, and I let out a moan as she hisses from the pain. I know she has to be sore. I've completely ran her through tonight.

"I love you so much," I breathe against her lips, and I don't know if it's because it's so early in the morning, or if it's because I'm so tired, but I find myself pouring my heart out to her. "Please don't leave me, baby. Never again. You're everything to me."

"I promise." She sighs at how good it's feeling. "I'm not going anywhere, Cam. I'm yours. I've always been yours."

Her words are turning me on more than I thought they would. I pick up my speed inside of her, placing wet and sloppy kisses all down her neck until I work my way back up and bite gently onto her earlobe.

"Mine." I growl lowly, thrusting deeper and quicker each and every time our hips meet. "All mine, Maddie."

I'm so close to release, so close to finding satisfaction until we hear the front door close downstairs. I immediately freeze inside of her, holding my breath as we both glance at the door to her bedroom.

"It's three in the morning." Maddie furrows her eyebrows together after she looks at the clock. "Did Ethan sneak out or something?"

"Uh, I'm not sure," I say. I'm rock hard still, but confusion is still written across Maddie's face. I can tell she's not going to let this go until she investigates to see what's going on, so I roll off of her and watch as she stands up to find her pajama pants from earlier.

"You're going out there?" I ask.

"Um, yes? I just want to see who it is. If it's Ethan I'm going to use this for future blackmail."

I don't think her parents would care anymore since they're letting me stay the night for crying out loud, but I don't tell Maddie this. Instead, I climb out of bed and find Ethan's sweatpants that he let me borrow earlier.

"What are you doing?" She whispers. "I'll be fine."

I roll my eyes. "If someone broke into your house I'm not going to let you go out there alone. Are you crazy?"

"Oh my god. Nobody broke in." Maddie laughs. "You're insane. It's probably just Ethan. Come on."

She grabs onto my hand but I quickly step in front of her and open her door quietly. We don't hear anything coming from the hallway, so we tiptoe to the top of the stairs and glance over the banister.

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