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Chapter 4

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I didn't know Maya had a job. I mean, I knew she had moved out into an apartment by herself, so I assumed she'd have to work somewhere, but I never expected her to work here.

I glance around at the nightclub, the music blasting so loudly in my ears that I can hardly hear. I'm not even sure where to look for Maya in the heaps of people, so I finally tap a security guard on his shoulder and ask for her.

He points to the bar, and I'm in awe when I see her behind it pouring drinks. She's a bartender?

She's in a skimpy outfit like all of the other girls here, and when I take a seat at the bar she waves excitedly at me, slapping a drink down in front of a man who slides her a twenty.

"Hey!" She says as she hurries over toward me. I'm still in awe as I analyze her black and white checkered short shorts, but honestly, this job has Maya written all over it. She's fun, bubbly, and loves to talk to people.

"Wow." I nod as I look around at all the neon lights. "Pretty impressive, Maya. This is cool. I'm glad you told me to look hot. Otherwise, I'd stick out like a sore thumb."

She's lucky I had brought clothes in case something like this happened. My wardrobe has updated since I've been at college, and of course, I prepared myself in case I went to any parties there, so I chose a leather mini skirt and a red lace bodysuit that outlines my breasts. My hair is gelled back into a ponytail, and I did my makeup heavier than normal.

"You look incredible!" She screams over the music and then holds a finger up toward me. "Give me one second."

There's an apron tied around her waist that she takes off, and she goes over to the other bartender to tell him something before she slips out from behind the bar. "Let's go outside for my break. It's hot as hell in here."

She shows us to a back exit and props it open, the cool air feeling so good against my skin. I was in there for less than five minutes and I'm already starting to sweat. I don't know how she does it.

"How was tutoring Katie?" She arches a brow up, and then she lets out a laugh at the expression on my face. "She texted me and told me you were coming over."

"Ah." I nod and watch her pull out a cigarette and a lighter. "You smoke now?"

She shrugs and lights it, taking a long drag. "Have for about a year. Your brother does too. He's the one that got me onto these stupid shits."

I haven't noticed, but a lot has changed about Maya. Her black hair is dyed purple at the ends, and she's got a new nose ring now, a small gold hoop. She looks badass.

"Interesting fact," I say, and when she holds a cigarette out to me I shake my head. "I'm good."

"So...how did tutoring go?" She asks again, and I roll my eyes at how well she still knows me. "Don't try to change the subject."

"It was awkward," I admit. "She's nice, though. I'll give her that."

"Yeah," she says. "She's cool. I've met her a few times and we've grown pretty close."

"When?" I ask, and I find myself becoming jealous again.

"Well, Cameron and Ethan are best friends. We've flown out to Pennsylvania twice now to visit."

"They've been together that long?"

She shrugs and takes another drag of her cigarette. "They've only been official for a few months now, but she was around when we visited before."

Letting out another sigh, I rest my back up against the brick of the building and scuff my shoes against the pavement.

In some ways, I blame myself for this. Cam reached out multiple times when he first went off to college and I just got so wrapped up in my studies that I didn't hang out with anyone. Maya and I grew apart, and then I got my internship when I started Briarwood, and I cut off ties with everyone it seemed like.

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