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Chapter 14

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I wake up hot. I'm sweating from all of the warmth from Cameron's body, the sunlight beating down on us from my window. Letting out a groan, I snuggle closer into his chest, feeling his grasp tighten around my waist.

Peeking up at him through my eyelashes, I see his mouth slightly hung open, his eyes still closed. He's so handsome that it almost hurts. His curls are going every which way from the pillow, and as I continue to stare at him I notice how sad I'm getting.

I can't kiss him. He's not mine. He stayed the night with me, but that's just because he wanted to make sure I was okay, right? Last night changed nothing. He's still with Katie. If anything last night just complicated things.

It becomes so painful that I eventually move away from him, but as soon as I do he blinks his eyes open. A beautiful emerald stares back at me, and when that smile falls onto his face I feel my heart begin to pick up speed.

"Good morning," he mutters hoarsely, and then he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, brushing his thumb against my cheek. "Sleep well?"

"Very much so," I admit. "Thank you again for staying with me. You didn't haven't to."

"I wanted to," he reminds me. "I haven't slept that well in a long time."

Stretching his body out, his feet almost hang off my bed from how tall he is. He grips my headboard behind his head, letting out a loud yawn before he collapses back down onto my mattress. "So, what are the odds that your family knows I'm here?"

"Well, seeming how we drove your car last night and it's parked in the driveway I'd say pretty high."

"Fuck," he mutters. "I forgot."

Does he want to forget about last night? Does he regret it?

"I can just tell them that you needed a place to sleep," I say, and he arches a brow up.

"You think they'll believe that? I slept in your bed, Maddie."

"Well, we didn't do anything."

"Yeah, but they aren't going to believe that."

Climbing out of bed, I search around for my phone and find it on the floor. I bend over to pick it up and check for any missed calls. I don't have any, but Tre tried to text me twice. One asked if I got home okay, and the other asked me to call him.

Cam is staring intensely at me, his arms folded behind his head.

"What?" I ask.

"Please change into something that covers you up more," he says with a smirk toying at his lips.

The sheet is covering his lower half, his abs exposed to me. I scan my eyes over his chest, and honestly, if it weren't for Katie I would have already made my move by now. I would have tackled him right on my bed, but instead, I fumble with the drawstring of my shorts, unsure of what to say.

He has a girlfriend, and he hasn't said anything about breaking it off with her for me. Why would he? The five-year plan was taken off the table. He's been with her for months now. Much longer than he and I ever dated.

"I'm perfectly fine with what I'm wearing," I say proudly. "You'll just have to control yourself, Cameron."

"It's Cam to you." He mutters. "Not Cameron."

"Cam," I correct, and his eyes darken.

From the look he's giving me I think he's about to say fuck it too, but instead, he throws the sheet off of him and stands up to slide his jeans back on over his waist. His hard-on is evident, and I hold back a laugh as he puts the sweater on from last night. "I'm going to go downstairs before this escalates further than it should."

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