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Chapter 2

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I had showered and changed into jeans and a nice sweater before I made my way back downstairs to the party of random people. If it were up to me I wouldn't even be down here, but I just got home, and my mom would be annoyed if I didn't at least socialize for a little bit.

Two women in their mid-fifties are on our foyer couch, and they send me warm smiles. One of them leans over to the other and whispers, "That's Mary's daughter! The one that goes to Briarwood."

Oh God.

I inwardly groan and find my way into the dining room where all of the chatter is coming from. Maya is in the corner with Katie, and I feel the bile rise into my throat when I see she's in Cameron's lap. His long legs are sprawled out in the chair, his arms around her waist.

I immediately turn to leave until my mom comes in and grips me by the shoulders. "Oh! Everyone!" She gets their attention and instructs someone to turn the music down. "This is my daughter, Madison. She goes to Briarwood. Top of her class!"

Since when has she called me Madison? I scrunch my nose up in disgust before the heat rises to my cheeks. I'm so embarrassed as everyone begins to throw questions in my face, and I don't want to answer any of them.

"She goes to Briarwood?" I hear Katie ask Cameron, her eyes growing wide. "Why didn't you tell me?" Then she looks at me, and I suddenly feel like my mouth is drying out again. "I could really use some help in my biology class," she says. "I'm flunking out, and I missed the deadline for this paper. My professor extended it, but if I don't turn it in by the end of the week I'm going to fail."

"Katie..." Cameron mutters something that I can't hear and she waves her hand.

"What?" She asks. "I'm just wondering. It can't hurt to ask, Cameron! It would really mean a lot." Then her eyes meet mine again, like a deer in headlights.

What am I supposed to say? Everyone is looking at me, including Mom's stupid book club girls she wants to impress. If I say no it's going to be obvious that I still have these dumb feelings for Cameron. Also, Katie seems nice, and I'm a kind-hearted person. I would help her even if I wasn't under pressure right now.

"Sure," I reply reluctantly. Cameron's eyes haven't left mine. They're a blazing emerald, but I refuse to get lost in them again. Instead, I turn to my mom but am interrupted when Ted, Cameron's dad, pulls me in for a hug.

I'm never going to escape him, am I?

"Maddie!" Ted pulls me into his chest. "New hairdo?"

My hands immediately come up to my hair to play with it. I'm suddenly self-conscious, and it's probably because petite and tiny Katie is watching our interaction like a hawk.

"Uh, yeah," I tell him. "It's good to see you. How's everything?"

"Everything is brilliant." He smirks, and he's got that same handsome smile as Cameron. He's very attractive for his age with his sleek gray hair and chiseled jawline, and after he takes a sip of his wine glass he points over to his son. "This one might get drafted this year. His stats are fantastic. I couldn't be prouder."


As in, becoming a professional football player?

I knew he was our high school's most talented quarterback, and I know he got a full ride to West Bridge in Pennsylvania, but drafted? He's going to be drafted?

"I am going to be the sexiest trophy wife," Katie gushes and pushes Cameron's lips together to kiss him, and I let out a big breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

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