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Chapter 17

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"And I told her not to go in too deep!" Ethan erupts into a fit of laughter as the memory of me getting smacked by a wave years ago at Myrtle Beach comes to mind. "It completely took her out."

Everyone laughs along with him around the dinner table, and as much as that was embarrassing, I can't help but laugh too. I'm happy tonight. It's our annual family Christmas dinner, always held on Christmas Eve with Cam's family. We haven't had this dinner in a long time, but honestly, it feels nice to have them here again. Especially since Cam's dad is back in his life.

"I don't even know why you went in there," Ethan continues to laugh, gripping his sides. "You hate swimming."

"She wanted to take a photo for her MySpace," Cam tells him. "Remember? She wanted to impress that kid. What was his name?"

Ronaldo. There wasn't even a kid in my class named Ronaldo. It was to impress Cam. It was always to impress Cam.

I shrug. "I don't remember. Why do you guys have to remember the most embarrassing stuff anyways?"

"Because it's funny." Ethan shoves his mouth with another bite of beef tenderloin. "Just like the time Cam shot that slushie out of his nose from laughing so hard. Remember that?"

Silence falls over Cam and me, and at this moment I'm so grateful that Katie was sick and couldn't come tonight. Otherwise, she'd be able to read right through the both of us. That day was the day I realized I was attracted to him, and I told Cam this story when we started messing around. The night that I convinced him to come into my bedroom upstairs.

"Yeah." Cam clears his throat, and even though he's right beside me I can just feel the tension between us. I want to grab onto his hand more than anything, but I refrain.

"It's hard to believe that was so many years ago." My mom sighs as she remembers, swirling the wine around in her glass. "Now you're all grown up. So successful. I'm a proud momma."

"We raised them well," my Dad adds, but I can see the awkwardness between my parents from here.

Christmas music is playing softly in the background, and although the feast was incredible, and although our dining room table is decorated to the tee with fancy Christmas trees and a satin tablecloth, I can't help but feel so sad. Something between my parents is off. Maya and I haven't said one word to each other when she's right across the table from me, and I destroyed everything with Cameron. Any shot in hell I had at being with him. The holidays aren't cheerful like they normally are. They're sad.

"Well, let me help clean up, Mary." Ted stands and begins to pick up some of the empty dishes. "It's the least I can do. Especially since I know you made that famous pumpkin pie of yours."

"Oh, nonsense." My mom tries to take a plate from him but he insists and starts to walk off into the kitchen. "Well, I guess I have no choice but to accept the help. Richard, can you help him clear the table and I'll start the dishes?"

My Dad nods and rises to his feet, grabbing dishes out of our way. I've been waiting for the perfect time to do this, and now that everyone is parting ways for dinner I want to make sure I have the opportunity. Especially since Katie isn't here tonight.

"Hey, can you come up to my room?" I ask Cameron. "I got you a Christmas gift."

"You did?" He asks, a sly smile growing on his face. "Well, I'm glad you did because I got you one too."

Ethan and Maya smile smugly at the two of us as we pass by them in the dining room, and I quickly turn to give them both the middle finger. Nothing is going on between the two of us. The Christmas gift I got him is my goodbye gift to him. I have to move on, and I know that by giving him this he'll understand that.

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