03| unexpected advice

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───"WHAT did I get myself into?" Shoto grumbles

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───"WHAT did I get myself into?" Shoto grumbles.

Aside from the script Mina gave him, she also sent him home with a list of pick up lines he should memorize.

He gulps, reading them aloud, "If I were a cat, I'd spend all nine of my lives with you."

"Aside from being sexy...what do you do for a living?"

"If 2+2 = 4...God, these are so embarrassing."

He huffs, disappointed with himself, "If I was Y/n, and someone said this to me, I'd run away as far as I could."

He looks at the ceiling, crossing his muscular arms. "Would she even feel comfortable with me saying these things to her?" He asks himself.

"Probably not!" He hears his brother's voice from the other side of the room, which makes Shoto jump from his seat.

"H-hey!" Shoto stammers, "Were you eavesdropping?"

Natsuo slides Shoto's bedroom door open, unwelcomed. "Yep! And you're stupid if you think those crappy-ass pick up lines are going to work on this 'Y/n'."

"Then what should I do?" Shoto groans, "I really, really like her."

"Damn. Well," Natsuo taps his chin, "How about try flexing your body? You're pretty ripped, a lot of girls like that."

Shoto pauses and looks at his brother as if he's a bug. "That's even more embarrassing than Mina's pick up lines." The younger boy whines, covering his face with his hands.

"Trust me, little bro," the white-haired male smirks, placing his arm around Shoto's shoulder, "I'm a ladies' man. I'm a pro at this stuff."

"Then how come you don't have a girlfriend yet?"

"We don't talk about that," Natsuo chuckles.

In the end, Natsuo managed to convince Shoto to perform his advice. But Shoto decided that he would do both, just so he doesn't make Mina and the others feel bad that he didn't take their suggestion. He doesn't know if any of this will even work, but he's not an 'expert' at this kind of stuff, unlike his brother or the Bakusquad, so all he can do is listen to them.

He stares at his body in front of the mirror, not noticing his door slide open again. He really needs to add a lock somehow.

"What are you doing standing in front of your mirror half-naked?" His father asks behind him.

"F-Father!" Shoto flinches, immediately grabbing his shirt and putting it on.


"I was just checking for a bruise," Shoto lies, "I hurt myself earlier."

Enji kisses his teeth. "Natsuo told me you're trying to impress someone?" He asks, which leaves Shoto speechless. How could Natsuo do this to him?

"Of course not," Shoto says firmly, hiding his flushed face from his father, "My training is far more important and it's priority."

Enji hums, half believing his son's answer. He makes his way out of Shoto's room, but before he leaves, he calls out his son's name. 

"If you are trying to impress someone," Enji suggests, "try giving them some flowers. That's what I did for your mother."

Shoto's eyes widen, not believing his ears. His father didn't just say that, he's just hearing things, right?

"Okay," Shoto says, turning to look at his father, "Thanks...Dad."

a/n: kind of unnecessary, but i thought it'd be cute.

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