05| abort mission

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───"NOW that's Katsuki's back from his mini tantrum, let's carry out our plan

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───"NOW that's Katsuki's back from his mini tantrum, let's carry out our plan."

Katsuki sends Mina a glare, but she just ignores it. Everyone else nods, then looks at Shoto for his approval. Romeo takes a deep breath and sends them a thumbs up.

"Cool! Let's go then!"

The squad and Shoto walk out of the empty classroom, heading outside to find Y/n, as they predicted, who just happens to be on break. Mina actually had Hanta and Denki follow Y/n around, to find out her schedule to think of the perfect time for Shoto to pull his moves.

"You nervous, Shoto?" Eijiro asks him and Shoto hesitates before answering.

"No...not really."

"Yeah!" Mina jumps at Shoto and hangs her arm around his shoulder, "He can do it! He was trained by yours truly."

Katsuki, who was silent the whole time, finally speaks up. "Let me get this straight. You'll just walk up to L/n, and blatantly say a pick up line?"

"Why," Shoto asks him, "does that sound bad?"

Katsuki groans, shaking his head, "Oh my fucking God. You know what, I'm not stopping you."

"Wait, what do you mea-"

"There she is!" Denki interrupts, pointing at the girl who sits under the cherry blossom tree. She's reading a book as she casually sips on a juice box. Shoto stares in awe, including Katsuki, but he looks away quickly, not wanting to get caught by the others.

"Well, don't just stand there," Mina whispers to Shoto, "Go for it!"

Shoto gulps, before taking a step. "Right."

"We'll be watching you the whole time," Hanta tells him with a smirk. Denki snorts as they share a high five, "Dude shut up!"

"Quit it!" Mina hisses, "You're making him nervous!"

"Okay, okay. Jeez."

The squad watches as Shoto nervously makes his way to Y/n. Eventually, she notices him and closes her book, looking up at Shoto who is towering over her.

"Hi! Is there anything you need?"

Mina bites her nails when Shoto doesn't respond. Everyone is actually worried about Shoto, while Katsuki sits back amused.

"Uh..." Shoto begins, while Y/n gives him a confused look. She tries not to look at his chest, which was partially exposed, out of respect.

"If 2 + 2 = 4, then you plus me = 4ever..." Shoto finally manages to say. Hearing his words, Y/n raises her eyebrow, "Hahaha...what?" She did not expect him to randomly say a pick up line out of all things.

"Um..." Shoto squeezes his eyes shut and runs away, surprising the girl. Did she scare him?

"No! This idiot," Mina fumes, watching as Shoto runs back into the school building. She and the others run after him while Katsuki just walks, shaking his head.

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