07| second chance

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───"UH, hey," Shoto says as he rubs the back of his neck

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───"UH, hey," Shoto says as he rubs the back of his neck.

The h/c haired girl closes her book for the second time, "Hey. About earlier..."

"Just forget about that," Shoto interrupts, handing her the bundle of flowers Katsuki had given him, "Here."

"Awe, thanks, Shoto," She shyly says, taking the flowers and bringing them close to smell.

"What? You know who I am?" Shoto asks, puzzled that the girl knew his name, despite the fact he had never even told her.

"Um, yeah," Y/n answers, embarrassed. "I've liked you for quite a while now actually. And when you said that pick up line, I was honestly surprised you'd say that to me."

"Why wouldn't I?" Shoto responds, face equally flushed, "You're amazing Y/n."

The girl giggles, "Is this your way of confessing to me?"

"Uh," Shoto says, then winks. "Maybe?"

The girl laughs again and soon enough, he joins in too.

"Mind if I sit beside you?" He asks, and the girl immediately shakes her head.

"No, not at all. Sit," she says as she pats the patch of grass by her side.

Shoto smiles and sits down beside his crush. "So um," Shoto says, finding the right words, "there's this really nice cafe nearby, um, do you wanna go there sometime?"

"Like...a date?" Y/n clarifies as she dreamily looks at his beautiful eyes.

"Yeah..." Shoto says, finding himself leaning close towards the e/c-eyed girl.

Y/n notices what Shoto is doing and squirms. She can't believe this is happening. Still, she follows Shoto's movements and their lips almost touch until they hear a high-pitched scream.


Shoto looks to the sound's source and sees the Bakusquad, including his brother and surprisingly his father too, hiding behind a bush, watching the whole scene. Once they see Shoto looking in their direction, they duck behind the bush, scolding Mina for being so loud and interrupting their kiss.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Mina cries.

The squad and the Todorokis look back up from the bush, expecting to find Shoto glaring at them but the boy is gone, including Y/n. They must have run away somewhere, from them.

"Doesn't matter," Mina says, fist-bumping everyone, "it was a success!"

"Well," Katsuki says, "you guys were completely useless. Only this guy," he points at Shoto's father, "and I were the ones who really helped that idiot."

"Dude," Hanta whispers to Katsuki, "his dad is right there!"

Far away, Shoto and Y/n hold hands, laughing because of the move they pulled on their stalkers. They find themselves in an empty field, far away from the school's perimeters.

"So, we're alone now, huh?" Shoto bluntly says.

"Yeah. What are you suggesting?"

Shoto clears his throat and looks at her right in the eyes, "Do you, like, wanna smooch or something?"

Y/n giggles at Shoto's choice of romantic words. "I think you should take me out on that date first."

"Then smooch?"

"Sure," she laughs, holding his hand lovingly.

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