~part 4~

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Today is day 2 of midtown, today i was a little more excited because i was hanging in the slip and money to go to Europe.
I got there and i met mj, ned and peter at the door.
"Hey guys, my dad signed the paper so i can go to Europe" i said.
"That's great we are going to have so much fun" mj laughed
"We gotta go, before we are late" said ned.
"Yeah, lets go" i said.
First computing science with MJ.
"So um what do you think about peter?" She asked on the way to computing.
"Peter? Um hes nice. Why?"
"Oh it's nothing i ..uh he.. i was just wondering"
"Oh okayy" i said dragging on the the Y.
We got to class and done all the work but all I could think about what mj said.
It was weird? Does she think i like peter? I don't like peter like that... it's just part of the plan you know? Should i talk to him less? Nah but i have to get close with him for dad.
I could pretend to like him.
Oh my god!
I should pretend to like peter and possibly date him. That way we can get really close and thats it i guess but thats a major point.
After computing my next class was science on the way i saw peter and toke the opportunity to talk to him.
"Hey Pete! Can i call you pete?"
"Uh hey sure if you want"
"Ok, if we do an experiment in science do you wanna be partners?" I asked.
"Uh um yeah if we get to choose them."
"Great" i said as we walked through the door ready to learn and get peter to like me.
The teacher started to explain the stuff we were learning which was easy peasy.
Unfortunately there was not experiments today but theres still lunch.
I still had a few classes to go until then.
Which was math, English and geography.
Finally it was lunch i went to hand in the slip first.
"Hi mr Harrington i have the slip and the money so i can go to europe"
I said handing him the envelope.
"Thanks y/n, how are you enjoying midtown?"
"Um its good one of the best schools ive been to but i gotta go get my lunch"
"Alright enjoy and do you want the info paper"
"Its fine mj will let me know. Bye"
I said leaving, what a loser.
I got my lunch at the canteen and sat with my friends. Their was a spare seat next to peter so i sat their.
"Hi sorry i was handing in the money. Mj can you let me know all the info times and what to bring"
"Sure, let me give you my number"
She said as i handed her my phone and she put her number in it.
"Ill add you to the group chat and you can add their numbers." She said adding me.
Perfect, peters number.
"So how was everyones days going so far" i said as i start to eat my sandwich.
"Uh good just boring" ned said.
"Yeah but y/n apparently we are doing this really cool experiment tomorrow so we can partner if you'd like"
"Sure! That'll be great"
After lunch i had a few more classes and then it was time to go home.

AN: i was supposed to post this yesterday and completely forgot but anyways here you go!

Words: 569

The mission ~ y/n X peter parker Where stories live. Discover now