~part 7~

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We left the airport and not long after got on this little boat travelling round this little town in Italy. Everyone was taking pictures and videos and it was beautiful. It then dropped us off at our hotel that looked dogey as fuck.
"Everyone, here we are" said mr Harrington as we stepped inside which was even worse than the out side.
"Tell me we are not staying here" i said looking around the place.
"This place is sinking" said a boy in front. This is flash, the guy mj was telling me about. He seems like a total snob.
"You mean charming" said mr Harrington trying to lighten the mood.
"It stinks" mj said.
"Ok, everybody,drop your bags off. We are going to meet at the da vinci museum at 3 lets go!" Said mr dell another science teacher who was on the trip .
"Vamonos" mr Harrington shouted.
Me and mj went upstairs we were sharing a room. We put our bags down. We each packed a bag of stuff we wanted to take with us and left.
Ned and betty went on their own little adventure. Mj left with brad to take pictures of this building and when i looked over to see them laughing mj was covered in pigeons.
So me and peter were left.
"So where do you want to go?" I asked.
"I was thinking we could explore the near by shops"
We first went into this small antique jeweller. It was beautiful.
We looked around and I found this beautiful simple necklace with a small butterfly. I picked it up and held it in my hands. It was gorgeous.

"What have you found?" Peter said wandering over to me

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"What have you found?" Peter said wandering over to me.
"Nothing, just this necklace. I don't have enough for it in my purse the now but I might come back for it" i smiled putting it back on the stand it was on.
"Alright lets go" i said as we left the store and moved on to the next but on our way we bumped into mj.
"Boh" she said.
"What?" I laughed.
"Boh! The most perfect word. Italians created it, i just discovered it. "
"What does it mean?" Peter asked.
"It can mean a million things. I don't know, get out my face, I don't know and get out of my face. Its the best thing italy created except for maybe expresso"she went on.
"Ah so youve been drinking espresso. Also what happened to brad?" I asked
"Yes and he went with his friends to find some cool building and I wanted to find you guys and tell you about my new favourite word"
" we were just looking round the shops" i said.
"And maybe going to grab food i heard theres this nice restaurant near by" perer added.
"Oh thats.... Wait"
"Are you guys a thing or are yous doing a nick and jess from new girl"
"Youve seen new girl?"
"Yes? Who hasn't?"
"Anyways back to what i was saying"
"Theres not exactly a label" petter butted in.
I nodded he was right, theres no label or actual feelings. I was just doing this for dad.
"Hey german, American? A rose for you" said a man handing out roses.
"Boh." Mj said and he immediately backed off.
"Boh is my new superpower. Its like the anti aloha i wad born to say this word" mj said showing off.
"I agree i think you were" i laughed.
"So are you going to put a label on it?" She asked.
"Boh" i laughed.
"Nice" she smiled.
The water started to shake and pick up pace something wasn't right and i knew exactly what it was, dad.
"Ill be 2 minutes" i said stepping away from them and looking for my dad, who must have been near by.
"What are you doing here, get out of here"
" i am dont worry"
"Okay and before you do here" he said handing me a pair of glasses.
"Wear them and youll be able to see past the illusion" he continued.
"Okay thanks , love you." I said running off.

AN: i hope yous like the necklace. I wanted to choose something simple! If yous don't then just imagine it one you would like !

Words: 689

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