~part 19~

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I helped peter design a suit it was red and black. We then set out a plan me and happy would get my friends to the jet, while peter goes after my dad.
"Okay im ready" peter said suited up and ready to stop my dad.
"Be careful okay,id appreciate you back in one piece" i smiled
"I will and you too. If something happened to you i don't know what id do with myself" he smiled then got into position before jumping off the plane.
Mean while me and happy tracked down my friends through flashes instagram.
They were near this museum so we landed there.
"Okay y/n, you wait here ill go get them"
Happy said stopping me from leaving.
"What? No i want to help plus they know me"
"No its not safe just stay here I'll only be a few minutes"
I nodded and i let him go.
I sat done and thought about all of this and how i let it get this out of hand. How did i get here. I really thought my dad was a good man I thought he just wanted to get what he earned. Instead my dad is killing innocent people because they wont give him what he wants. And i fell in love with peter parker literally the one person i was supposed to hate and now hes going to stop my dad.
Thats when I questioned why i was still sitting here. I got off the jet and headed towards the main area where everyone was running halfway there I noticed happy and the others. The next thing i knew the jet blew up behind me.
I stood there i shock for a moment before turning round to look at it in flames.
I then continued to run and I caught up with happy.
"Y/n, thank god! Come with us we are going to hide in the museum" happy mumbled.
"Okay then lets go" i said as i went over to hug mj.
"Hey are you alright" she asked.
"Yeah you"
"Yeah im fine"
We ran to the tower museum place with the drones chasing after us.
"Into the crown Jewel's vault" happy shouted.
"Into the vault!" Happy kept shouting as we all ran towards it trying not to get shot.
We hid out the way at the drones were tracking us down. My heart was racing as i stood next to mj. All I could think about was how this could be my last day alive.
The drone scanned through the room as mj eyed up this sharp bat thing. I shock my head at her as she smiled.
She started to pick it up as she almost dropped it due to the weight.
Betty nudged a statue over distracting the drone as mj hit it. We all ran to the vault and just before the doors shut happy threw a shield at the drone and missed epically.
"How does cap do that" he shouted.
Happy began to talk to peter through an ear piece as i made sure everyone was okay, and they were.
One of the drones began to lazier through the vault, we didn't have much time.
"Are we gonna die?" Ned asked.
"No one dies on my watch" happy replied.
"Yeah we should be fine the chances are slim but they're there" I said as happy drew me a not helping look.
"I wasted my life playing video games and we are gonna die"ned complained.
"I have a fake ID that ive never even used" betty blurted out.
"I post stupid videos online so people will like me"said flash
"Hey those videos aren't always stupid if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have found you" i laughed
"I saved us guys" flash said proudly.
"If you saved us then why are we about to die" mj shouted.
"Im sorry im obsessed with tellinv people the truth even if it hurts them"
"Im in love with spidermand aunt" happy said with no other context.
"What?" I laughed.

AN:  so this is the second last part and ive completely finished writing it now so yeah im probably just going to upload the last part now because theres no point in posting it later :)

Words: 681

The mission ~ y/n X peter parker Where stories live. Discover now