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Chloe POV:

Today I'm having a meeting with Lila and Kagami to figure out a way to destroy Dupain-Lame once and for all. We have to be extra careful. We left a trail over text last time no thanks to Adrien. Luckily I had an idea last night that is absolutely perfect.

Soon the girls showed up.

"Hey, Chloe. So what's this idea of yours?" Lila asked me.

"Well Lila, I just happen to know that there's going to be a dance at the school next weekend. And I know everyone who will be going. I know that Marinette and Adrien are gonna be going and that will be the perfect chance to get Marinette once and for all." I responded.

"So, how are exactly are we going to do that?" Kagami inquired.

"Well, Kagami. Lila and I will disguise ourselves so we look unrecognizable and sneak into the dance. Then, when Dupain-Lame gets a drink, Lila will slip a drug into it that will knock Marinette out. Once she drinks it, I'll pretend to help her, but really, I'll be bringing her to the car that Kagami will be driving. Then we'll bring her to the Seine and dump her there. She'll never be seen or heard from again." I explained.

"This sounds like a great plan and all Chloe, but what's to stop one of Marinette's friends or someone else from catching on and stopping us?" Lila persisted.

"Precisely why I'll have a smoke bomb just in case we need to make a quick escape." I spelled out further.

"Ah. I see. Now, what time does the dance start Chloe?" Kagami pressured me.

"8:00. So we need to be ready by 7:30 so we can get there no earlier than 7:45. Lila, you and I will need wigs to disguise our hair. Luckily I know someone who can do that. And I know someone who is good with technology and will make us voice changers so no one can recognize our voices."

"Great plan, Chloe. I'm in." Lila agreed.

"Count me in too." Kagami seconded.

"Great. After the dance, we will be rid of Marinette Dupain-Cheng forever!" I laughed maniacally.

Marinette in DangerWhere stories live. Discover now