Chapter 6

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Kelly's POV

Mandy and I were walking to the stream to get more water. We been out here for five days. Three days ago Jack said that I shouldn't be so paranoid but I swear there's something just lurking around anytime I'm alone. I wish Jack and the others would believe me but they don't. We gather the water and start walking back a and I heard the footsteps again. I think Mandy heard them too; her head snapped in the direction of it as I started backing up.

"Mandy, come on." I say as I hear my voice laced with panic

Mandy immediately takes off running in a direction we haven't been yet.

"Mandy!" I scream while running after her.

I feel my legs start to burn as I try keeping her in my sight. My lungs burned and all I could hear was something behind me running. I picked up my pace- making my legs burn even more. I don't really run like that, nothing I do requires me to run. I start coughing as Mandy looks back at me with a mortified face. Before I know it I trip on a tree root that I wasn't paying attention and everything just went black.....

Jack's POV

"Damn, where are them girls!" Bill curses as he slings his gun strap over his shoulder

The girls been out for more than three hours now; Billy and I are worried sick now.

"Maybe we should go look for the girls" I recommend

Billy looks up at me and nods his head silently. "We should, shouldn't we." He says

I grab my gun and backpack before we walk in the direction of the stream. I felt anxious; every step unnerving. I look up at Bill who kept looking around. We come closer to the stream to see buckets, scattered everywhere. Something happened, was it the thing Kelly kept hearing? My legs automatically picked up and I ran straight with a Billy behind me. I took the safety off of my gun and reloaded; keeping it ready to aim and kill. I ran to this clearing where there was dark spots of grass and logs. I looked around before something brown huddled up caught my eye. I ran towards it to see Kelly with blood running down her head. I picked her up.

"Kelly!" I scream

She just laid there lifeless in my arms. I didn't know what to do but Billy had a more clear conscience than I and he checked her pulse

"She's just knocked out." Billy said

I sighed in relief before slinging my gun on my back and carrying her bridal style.

"What about Mandy?" I ask

"You take her back to the cabin and I'm going to keep looking for Mandy" Billy said in a disappointed tone.

I nodded and started carrying her back towards the camp. I wiped the blood off of her caramel complexion. Even in this condition her face was still flawless as we all still washed here in the lower part of the stream. I finally reach the cabin and lay her down. I cleaned up her head wounds with water and put some cloth on them. I just know it's hard to survive

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