chapter five: Killing on TV

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Around six years have gone by in a flash for the young demon. He is now eighteen, ready to start his life in UA. Over these years, he and two girls have gotten really close. Inosuke has grown to consider him his dad. Douma has actually got his emotions back. He also got a little sister, Muma, not long ago because his parents decided to finally do it.

Some things Douma has done are one thing. In their teachings, they are taught that death to those who deserve is allowed. Douma has done his fair share of killing. He has no care for the ones he kills as they deserve to rot in hell. It also turns out that he found something out. Something he would enjoy.

A few months ago:

"Boss it's fucking freezing!" A thug said in the cold weather. They all were freezing, "Just let us in the building!"

They were let in, not knowing they were followed there, "It's so cold in winter." A thug said inside as the others agreed. They all rested until they heard someone outside.

"Let me!" They heard a friend of there's shout, "Let's me fukcing in now! Wait please! No, no, no! Ahhhhh!!!" They saw a dent on the garage door as blood dripped from the outside.

"W-what's out there?" The smallest one asked, the biggest decided to open the door and saw nothing. He was confused.

"There nothing outside?" Some others got there to find the out the noise, to witness the second murder. The biggest guys head was spilt in two, as a fan was seen in the middle.

He dropped dead as a sadisticly smiling Douma, "Ara ara~." He said with a chuckle, "How many are there to kill?" He said as he absorbed the body into himself.

(Demons do not need to eat humans but can)

The others looked in horror at the man as he disappeared, "We need to get out of here!" They all scattered out and only three of the seven got out. The others were butchered alive.

"What's going on!?" The wall was broken down, as Douma walked out. Before anyone could react, he killed the remaining three. He looked at them all and smiled evily.

"Is that a demon!?"

"Bingo!" Douma shouted, fanning himself, "You win death!" He cut him perfectly in half and slaughtered the others. Every single one suffered before death, he made sure.

He entered the last room and smiled at the man, "I have a unquie talent to remembering family ties through blood I smell or drink." Douma said to the man who quivered in fear, "I found myself a pedo." He couldn't react as he was thrown onto a hook and hang from the celling, feeling his spine be ripped out of his body, "You would be too disgusting to eat." And he walked away, leaving the man to die painfully.

He walked into the basement, hoping his nose was not smelling what it was smelling. But it did. A group of girls, aging between eight and fifteen, down there. He felt like pucking.

He went over at the terrified girls. He smiled kindly at them, "Don't fear me please. I have punished those disgusting vermin myself. They can never harm you again." He said with no smile, dead serious face. They were shocked, but he continued, "They all are rotting in the deepest pits of hell. To suffer for an eternity for what they did."

"W-why save us?" A little girl spoke up, still scared. He chuckled and fanned himself.

"I love someone who was affected by some of these people. This was a personal vendetta, but I couldn't allow them to hurt others anymore." He said with a genuine and gentle smile, "I'm sorry I took so long to save you."

He cut down the wall, showing them to the stairs to get out, "I called the local hospital already. They will be here soon. There are new clothes and coats to wear for you all. It's very cold this winter so please be careful." He walked away as they all slowly got out and saw he didn't lie. They all cried a thanks to him as disappeared with a smile.

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