007. pain

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" I wasn't exactly informed about what was in that serum"

IT WAS ACTUALLY PRETTY EASY TO CONVINCE most of the villains to return back to Peter's apartment — well he'd explained to her it's actually somebody named Happy who owns this apartment but it doesn't matter

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IT WAS ACTUALLY PRETTY EASY TO CONVINCE most of the villains to return back to Peter's apartment — well he'd explained to her it's actually somebody named Happy who owns this apartment but it doesn't matter. Fortunately for Isabella, Peter had insisted she sit up the front and away from all the others so she didn't have to mingle with them.

"So, Peter tells me you were quite close with the other Peter," May strikes up the conversation, causing the brunette to turn her head to look at her.

"Yeah, he was my sister's boyfriend. He was around a lot," Isabella shrugs lightly in response.

"I see. What was her name?"


May seems as if she's thinking about something, thoughts running through her mind at a thousand miles an hour. The woman can obviously sense that it's somewhat of a sore subject, the way the younger girl's face almost crumbles at the mention of the name. So instead of cause further pain, she changes the subject.

"What else was going on at home? Any boyfriends?" May asks and Isabella snorts softly with a shake of the head.

"Girlfriends and no. I-uh didn't really have much time for dating when I was trying to kill Peter and everything," Isabella responds having to bite her lip to stop the giggle escaping her lips at the horrified look on May's face.

"That was a joke," Isabella smiles with a shake of her head. "But no, I never really met a girl I liked enough. With the whole Gwen and Dad thing, I was a bit preoccupied,"

Getting out of the vehicle, Isabella looks up at the tall building with a frown. She hates heights. All the others pile out of the truck to, with the exception of the lizard who decides to stay put. The group make their way in and towards the elevator when the girl stops.

"I don't want to get in the elevator with them," Isabella whispers, rather loudly mind you, to Peter. "Are there stairs?"

"Yeah but it's quite high up. They're not going to try anything," Peter responds.

"Pete, I hate to point out the obvious, that guy has giant metal arms on his back. I highly doubt we're all going to fit in here,"

Neither of them take any notice of the nickname, a little too preoccupied with the current events. Isabella stares down every one of the others as they pile into the elevator, the brunette girl standing up the front next to May.

It seems like the slowest ride of her life, the seconds ticking by like minutes as the person behind her practically steps on her heel. She's about two seconds away from turning around and smacking them around the face, annoyance way to prominent right now.

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