Home Alone [Niall]

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After lunch Colin went upstairs to do some homework and probably play something on his phone or text someone and Y/n and I tidyed everything up and then went back upstairs. Once were upstairs I see a message from mum.


Mum: Hey, hun. Your dad and I just got a call from the main office in Germany and we have to go there for about a week. I hope that's ok for you, that you'll be at home alone. I bet the Y/l/ns will help if you need anything. Love you and see you soon. xo mum

Me: Yeah, that's fine by me. Have fun and would it be ok if Y/n stayed over? See you soon mum. xo

Mum: Sure, I know the two of you won't wreck the house, do anything you shouldn't be doing or do anything illegal or so, but make sure to ask her parents aswell, ok!

Me: Sure mum! And just so you know nothing will be happening, we both decided that!

Mum: Happy to hear that, take care!


"Babe, my parents will be out of town for about a week and my mum said, you could stay at ours with me if you want to and are allowed to." "That would be awesome. I'll ask my parents when they get home, which should be in about two hours or so." "I would really like that!" "I would, too!" I kiss her as intensly as she kissed me earlier and we sat back down on her bed and watched another movie. Y/n snuggled into me and nearly fell asleep. Just as the movie is over her parents come back and call her down. "Coming, mum!" She runs downstairs and I follow her. "Oh, hello Niall, didt know you'd be here. Nice to see you again." "Nice to see you, too, Mrs Y/l/n I mean Aine." "Mum, Nialls parents are out of town for about a week, would it be ok if I went over with him?" "I'll talk to your dad about that first, ok?" "Ok." Her parents go into the kitchen and we can still hear them discuss if Y/n is allowed to sleep at my place or not. "But Conall, she's 16! I think she's able to take care of herself!" "I know Aine, but we don't know Niall to well, what if something happens?" "Niall would never! He's a really nice boy, if something does happen then it's not because he forced her, but because she was also ok with it." "But she's our baby!" "Hunny, she's 16, she's not our little baby anymore. She's all grown up already, even if she isn't legally a grownup yet." "I know, I just don't want anything to happen!" "She knows how to protect herself, everything will be fine!" "Ok."

"Your dad and I decided that you're allowed to go over." "Thank you, mum! I also, or we also overheard you and I just wanted to comfort you and tell you nothing will happen!" "You heard us?" "Yes, just tell dad aswel, ok." "Well, I will and I'm happy to hear nothing will happen." "I also assure you, Aine, that nothing will happen and thank you for believing in me to protect your daughter, she's the best daughter you could wish for." "Of course and I'm happy to hear that you cherish my daughter as much as she cherishes you. You're so cute together!" "Thanks!" Y/n and I go upstairs to pack some of Y/n clothes and her washbag.

Once we're done packing we go over and her mother reminds us, that we can always call her, if we need something. Y/n and I get ready for bed and then lay down in bed.

 Y/n and I get ready for bed and then lay down in bed

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Y/n looks really cute in my hoodie

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Y/n looks really cute in my hoodie. The two of us decide to listen to some music, while we read a bit. About half an hour later Y/n is falling asleep. "Y/n?" "Mmh." "Could it be that you're tired?" "Why?" "I think you're falling asleep!" "Mmh." and that was all she said until she fell asleep. I take away her book, put her bookmark in and turn off the music. I take the covers off the bed and lift her up to lay her down propaly and put the cover over her. Once I'm lying next to her she snuggles up to me so I give her a kiss and look at her sleep. She looks adorable when she's sleeping. I put my arm around her and fall asleep, too. The next morning my alarm goes off and both of us get out of bed and get dressed. "Morning, babe! Sleep well?" "Morning, babe, yes I slept fantastic! Your bed is really comfortable." "I think so, too!" She kisses me and I lift her up, so that she is now in my arms and even closer to me. "We have to go now, otherwise we'll be late for school." "Ok, will you stay over again tonight?" "Yeah, I mean if it's alright for you and if my parents allow it." "It' one hundered percent fine with me!" I give her a kiss and then we grab our bags and head off to school.

(914 words)

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