Caught In The Act With A Mix Of Danger

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Hey everyone here's a new chapter and it's a long one to. My gift to you love you.

One evening after work Mia had stopped off at her & Jeremy's favorite taco spot. The situation with Dave East had become water under the bridge. She walked in the house and dropped her purse and key's on the couch in the living room then she proceeded to her brothers room. She didn't knock on his bedroom door cause that was a thing they just didn't do. He would always bust in her room and so she did the same.

Mia: Jeremy I got us some....

Jeremy: Damn girl knock next time

When she opened the door she saw a sight she did not expect to see. Her brother was laying on his back on his bed while some girl she had never seen before sucked his dick. When he saw her come in he jumped up and pulled his pants back up while the girl stood up and ran out.

Mia: Jeremy I can't believe you. How could you do that to La La?

Jeremy: Girl mind yo business and keep ya mouth shut

Mia: Keep my mouth shut? No La La is my friend and I'm gonna tell her what you did

Jeremy walked up to Mia and grabbed her by her neck.

Jeremy: You ain't gon say shit cause I'll kill you

Mia: You would kill your own blood to save yourself? Damn if only mama could see you now. She'd be so disappointed

Jeremy: You ain't my blood. You my step sister

Mia: Oh now I'm your step sister. FUCK YOU JEREMY!! I HOPE YOU GET SMOKED IN A DRIVE BY!!!

After saying what she said, Mia spit in his face like he wasn't shit to her anymore. How could he threaten her life like that just cause he got caught? It was crazy and these streets done changed him and not for the better.

Jeremy: WHAT?!

Just as fast as he said "what" he let go of her neck and started punching her in the face. I mean he beat her like she was a man or something. He didn't kill her though. He just left her unconscious and dipped off like nothing ever happened.

Mia woke up about 2 hours later and in pain like never before. Blood was coming from her mouth and head. She was so happy to be alive even though she felt like she could die. She looked around to see that she was still in her brothers room and he was nowhere to be found. It was getting dark outside and dark in the room. She decided she wasn't gonna just lay there and wait for him to come back. She pushed herself to get up and when she did she just stood there for a minute to get herself together. She went in the bathroom and wiped the blood from her mouth and head. Then she looked at her arms and noticed she had bruises everywhere. One of her eyes was swollen shut and her face looked like hell. After coming out the bathroom she decided it was time to get out the house and go somewhere safe. The only place she could think of was Ykir's house. With only one eye useful she hopped in her car with her purse and keys in her hand. She drove off quickly so she would be out of sight in case Jeremy was about to show up. When she showed up to Ykir's house tears started to come out of her eyes as she just stood in the doorway. He looked at her and told her to come in and have a seat. He then asked her what happened and she explained the situation.

Ykir: Damn I can't believe he did that to you

Mia: Can I please stay with you tonight?

Ykir: Of course you can. You know I got you

Mia: Thank you. I just wanna lay down and get some rest

Ykir: Nah you could have a concussion. Why didn't you go to the hospital?

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