OH NO!!!!

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Here's a new chapter. I love you and good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

A few days had passed and it was the weekend. Bibby was out in the street today he made sure to be home on the weekends. Bibby was at home with the baby but Mia had to work today. It was a Saturday and Mia's job was packed and busy. Mia was a sales associate but she never worked the cash register. There was no particular reason really. She just never got trained for it. She was always on the sales floor put new merchandise out and cleaning up. Mia was on the sales floor putting some clothes away when she got the shook of her life. When she turned around and looked up Meech was standing there in front of her. She was startled and afraid but she tried not to show her fear.

Mia: Meech

Meech: Hi Mia

Mia: Meech seriously what are you doing here?

Meech: You know what it is. Don't play with me

Mia: Meech please this is my job

Meech: Okay I'm not here to get you fired or nothing. I just got one question to ask you

Mia: What?

Meech: Did you think about what I said?

Mia: Meech I can't

Meech: Okay sayless. Just know I know where you and ya nigga live and I'm about to be on my way over there. So get ready for what's about to happen

Mia: Meech please don't. Why you wanna come here and ruin my happy home?

Meech: Once upon a time I had a happy home until you up and left me or did you forget about that? Don't try to act innocent Mia cause we both did what we did when you came to visit. If you didn't want me that would've never happened Mia

Mia: I left so you could have a normal life. As far as the sex I had a weak moment and you know that

Meech: My life was normal when you were in it

Mia: No Meech it wasn't. Your mom hated me after what happened. She didn't want me around anymore and she was too worried about the family's image and the brand. I would've never asked you to give up your family let alone your mom. She gave birth to you Meech

Meech: And I told you I was willing to deal with the situation as I saw fit. You wasn't tryna trust me Mia and that's crazy. When have I ever lead you wrong?

Mia: Never Meech

Meech: Exactly Mia

Mia: Meech why can't you just leave me alone? Please just go home and forget about me

Meech: Mia I can't do that. I have nothing left just you

Mia: I'm sorry Meech but I can't

Meech: Okay so I'm gonna go tell ya nigga what you did

Mia: Okay well whatever Meech. I'm sick and tired of you holding that over my head. Do what you gotta do Meech. I really don't give a fuck anymore. I'll just have to deal with what comes after that. I'm not letting you hold any power over me anymore

Meech: Okay cool I'll see you later Mia

Mia: Go away Meech

Meech: Yeah I'm gonna go away and I'm gonna fuck ya life up

Mia: Whatever Meech

Meech: Bye Mia

Mia: Fuck you

Meech: Anytime

When Meech left Mia's job he went straight over to Mia's house. To his surprise Bibby wasn't home. Bibby had took Miyella to the park and then he went to go get food for himself. Meech decided to wait for him to come back. He chilled in the cut where he would go unnoticeable. A few hours had passed and Mia beat Bibby home. Meech saw her and hopped out the car.

Meech: Mia

Mia: Go away

Meech: Nah look homeboy just pulled up. Let's go tell him what happened

Meech grabbed Mia's arm and pulled her. Meech hadn't put his hands on her since the Doggystyleeee incident so she knew shit was serious.

Bibby: Mia is this the Meech nigga?

Meech: Yeah it's me and ya girl got something she wanna tell you. Get to it or I will Mia

Mia: Meech please don't make me do this

Meech: I'm not making you do nothing. I can tell him but I don't think you gonna like how I say it

Mia: Meech please

Meech: 1,2....

It was in that moment that while Meech was counting Mia had returned back to that time when she had got abducted. It was like it was happening all over again. She was there in that room with the gun to her head pleading for one of her abductors to please not make her take her clothes off. Mia was afraid in the moment and all she could hear was her abductor counting to three. When she heard Meech counting she didn't hear his voice she heard the other man's voice. When she looked at Meech she didn't see Meech. She saw her abductor. She started to shiver as if she were cold. Then tears fell from her eyes as she stared into space. She eventually snapped back to reality after Meech yelled out her name and yanked her. She just looked at him still crying but not making a sound.

Meech: Are you gonna tell him or do you want me to?

Mia: Bibby I need to tell you something


Mia: Bibby when I went to go see my dad in California I cheated on you

Bibby: You what?

Mia: I cheated on you and my dad isn't really my dad it's his dad. When me and him were together I got adopted into the family and Big Meech calls me his daughter. My real dad passed away when I was 10

Bibby: So if you was so happy why did you leave and come here?

Mia: I got raped and ended up pregnant with Miyella. Meech's family was gonna disown him so I left that way he would be okay. But Meech still loves me and that's why he's been looking for me. Well that and because we had sex and I told him that I still loved him

Bibby: Wow so the whole time you've been back you been playing me? Well here's what's about to happen. You're about to take Miyella, get your shit and get the fuck out my house and my life

Mia: Bibby I'm sorry okay we can work it out. Just forgive me I had a weak moment

Bibby: So let me get this right. You want me to forgive you so you could possibly do it again? Nah baby girl when it comes to that I don't forgive. You want forgiveness pray to God about that cause I'm not about to do it. You can have her bruh

Meech: Oh I wasn't asking for permission

Mia: But Bibby


Miyella started screaming and crying because Bibby yelled at Mia.


Mia grabbed Miyella and Meech finally let her arm go. She looked at Meech and then went in the house to get her stuff that she could take with her. She put Miyella in the car as well as her belongings and she drove off with Meech still standing in the driveway looking crazy. Mia was crying hysterically as she drove off.

Mia: I'm so sorry Bibby

Bibby: Man shut the fuck up

Mia didn't know where she was headed to next but she had to go somewhere. Anywhere but where she was now. She had become homeless again and this time with a baby to care for. She had no money she had nothing just Miyella. Mia pulled over into a store parking lot when it got dark enough to go unnoticed. Her eyes were puffy from all the crying she had did earlier. To tell the truth she had never stopped crying until now. She knew she had to keep it together for her baby make something happen fast. But for now she'd just have to sleep in her car. She grabbed Miyella and rocked her to sleep. Mia never let her go she just held her all night as she to eventually fell asleep.

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