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Everybody I'm so sorry for the delay. Life has been real hectic and I haven't had time to write lately. I apologize again and here's another chapter. Thank you for rockin' with me. Good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

That night after everybody left the cookout Mia and Meech were lying in bed. Meech and Mia always cuddled at night like how they did when they first met. That's how they were able to fall asleep and if one of them wasn't in the bed with the other they couldn't sleep. Meech remembered Mia had something to tell him. She hesitated at first but she knew it was something that had to be said.

Meech: Baby what did you have to tell me earlier?

Mia: Well honey I've got some bad news

Meech: What you mean?

Mia: Before you came to give me my food earlier Cassie was telling me that La La came to her house and busts her way in. Her boyfriend Larry wasn't there. Cassie said La La threatened her with a knife that if she didn't stop being cool with me that she would kill her. She said La La was waving the knife around like she was gonna cut her right then. I thought you said everybody was safe Meech. What happened to your security friends that day?

Meech: Baby I don't know but I promise I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. That shouldn't have happened and I'm real sorry Mia

Mia: Baby what if that happens to me and you're not around?

Meech: Sweetie that would never happen and you can bet that shit. Ain't nobody touching you. Do you understand me?

Mia: Yeah Meech I understand

Meech: Good

Mia: I can't believe things have gotten so bad. Maybe I should've just never said nothing about my brother like he told me to

Meech: What? Baby this is gonna come out  wrong but you sound all types of stupid right now

Mia laid in the bed silent after Meech said that. "This nigga" she thought to herself but she knew he was right. She did sound stupid cause she knew she did the right thing. La La was like her sister and she knew she had to say something to her even if La La didn't take heed to what was said.

Meech: So you just not gon' say nothing?

Mia: What do you expect me to say? You're right okay but you didn't have to call me stupid

Meech: I didn't call you stupid. I said you sound stupid. There's a difference

Mia: Well whatever

Mia loosened her grip from Meech's embrace and turned her back on him. It was at that point he knew he had fucked up cause Mia loved cuddle time. It was a nightly routine for them both and it always helped them release the stress and anxiety of the day.

Meech: Baby

Mia: Yeah

Meech: Come here

Meech was doing that thing he always does when he know she's mad. He was talking sweet and with a soft tone. It was the cutest thing. He hated to see her mad and especially at him. He grabbed her arm and turned her over so she would be facing him.

Mia: Grrrr. You're doing it again ya little punk

Meech: I'ma be ya punk alright

Mia: Lol

Meech: Give me a kiss

Mia: Nope

Meech: Oh you playing hard to get now. You wanna be difficult? Okay I'm just gonna have to tickle you then

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