The Aftermath

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Hey everyone here's a new chapter. I love you and good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

So after Meech and his new found blood brothers rescue Mia. Meech decides he might need to go talk to his dad about what just happened. So Mia wouldn't be alone Meech asked her sisters to come over and hang with her. Mia was in a bad way and it wouldn't be cool to leave her by herself.

Meech pulled up to the Lompac Prison and went through processing. He sat in the visiting area for about 5 minutes and then his dad came out. He didn't wanna worry his dad cause what could he really do? But Meech knew it wouldn't be smart to not mention what happened.

Big Meech: Son how you doing?

Lil'Meech: Dad not so good

Big Meech: Talk to me son. Where's my daughter?

Lil'Meech: Dad some stuff went down and Mia ended up getting kidnapped

Big Meech: What?

Lil'Meech: Wait listen to me. Mia ended up getting kidnapped by some Denver Lane Bloods but I got her back

Big Meech: Why?

Lil' Meech: So after Mia's brother died the Denver Lane Bloods and the Broadway Crips went to war and in the midst as retaliation Mia got abducted for ransom. This dude I know from high school helped me get her back. There was a shoot out but we good

Big Meech: So you left her at home alone?

Lil'Meech: Nah her sisters are with her. I just had to come out here and see you to let you know what went down in case you hear about it later

Big Meech: Son I'm glad you made it out alive and I'm glad you standing up as a man and protecting your woman. I was the same way with your mother. I still would be if I were out in the free world

Lil'Meech: Pop I got you. I can protect mom and Mia both

Big Meech: That's why your my son. Be careful Lil'Meech because this may not be over. Gangs don't give up when they feel some type of way. The only way I see this going is blood shed. When you go home you better not let Mia out of your sight. You hear me?

Lil'Meech: That's my baby. I got her

Big Meech: Good

Lil' Meech: Dad I wish I could've came here with good vibes. I don't wanna stress you out. After all it's not much you can do

Big Meech: No I'm glad you told me. That was the smart thing to do. If you didn't tell me I would've been mad

Lil' Meech: Yeah

Big Meech: It's gonna be alright kiddo

Lil' Meech: Yeah I know. But how have things been going for you?

Big Meech: Oh you know. Just another day

Lil' Meech: I love you dad

Big Meech: I love you to son

Lil' Meech went home to be with Mia. Ever since he found her she hasn't been herself. But of course who would be after something like that? Mia wasn't feeling well and her sisters met Meech at in the living room.

Mila: Meech you need to do something. She needs help

Meech: I know. She just has to relax and heal from this. I'll find her a therapist to talk to. Hopefully she's willing to go through with it

Mila: You have to make her go. That's the only way she's gonna make it through. Did she tell you what happened while she was in captivity?

Meech: No she won't talk about it

Mila: Listen Meech you know we're all here for you anytime you need us. We wanna see her get better

Meech: Thank you

Debbie: Meech we're gonna shut down the salon until she's well enough to get back to normal. We wanna be here for you and her

Meech: No she's gonna be fine. It's no point in everybody missing out on their money behind this. She'll be fine okay

Cassie: Meech she's not gonna be fine. She needs the support of all of us. In plus we're not hurting for money. We care about our sister

Mila: Yeah

Debbie: Facts

Mariahlynn: Yep

Debbie: Listen Meech if it's alright with you. We wanna have a sleepover tonight. You know some popcorn, juice, soda, chips and a movie. That sorta thing. Maybe it'll help bring her back

Meech: Okay sounds good. Mila you can bring my godson and I'll watch him. It'll help me to get my mind off of things

Mila: Awww Uncle Meech wanna watch the baby

Meech: Shut up lol

Mila: Lol okay I'll bring him

Cassie: Yay sleep over

Mila: Okay so we're gonna go get our stuff and we'll meet back here around 8. That sound good?

Meech: Yeah I'm wit it

Mila: Alright sisters we should go so we can hurry and come back

Debbie: Bet. See you in a bit Meech

Meech: Aight

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