The Family Meeting

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Hey everyone enjoy this chapter. I love you and good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

Since the news media caught wind of Mia getting raped so did Meech's family. They wanted to talk and they wanted to talk now. What was about to happen?

It was 7pm when Mia and Meech met up with Momma Meech and the rest of the family. Mia was nervous about this but what could she do? She couldn't just not go? The meeting was about her and Meech. Everybody rolled up to Momma Meech house for dinner.

Meech: Mia you ready for this?

Mia: Do I have a choice?

Meech: Yeah you could just not go in. We could turn this car around and say something came up

Mia: Meech stop it. We both know what this meeting is about and it ain't for just a family gathering. You're momma knows about me

Meech: Yeah well if things get outta hand I got you Mia and you know that

Mia: That's your mom and I would never ask you to go against her or any of your family

Meech: I know baby

Mia: Come on let's go in and get this over with

Meech: Mia we don't have to do this

Mia: Meech we're already here let's just go in and talk to everybody

Meech: Aight

Mia and Meech walked in Momma Meech house. As soon as they entered the room everybody stopped and looked at them. They was definitely on display at this meeting.

Momma Meech: How you doing son?

Meech: Fine

Momma Meech: And you Mia?

Mia: Everything is good

Momma Meech: That's not what I heard

Mia: Yeah I bet

Momma Meech: Excuse me young lady?

Mia: I already know why we're here Momma Meech. It's been all over the news okay. I really don't think this meeting was necessary

Meech: Mia chill

Mia: What?

Momma Meech: Mia why don't you go fix yourself a plate

Mia: Okay

Mia walked off and made herself a plate of food. She got fried chicken, collard greens and mashed potatoes. Then she grabbed a dinner roll.

Momma Meech: Meech listen to me okay. I don't know if you being with Mia is such a good idea now. I mean she is a nice girl but she is gonna drag you down and ruin your reputation

Meech: Mom are you serious? So you want me to leave her because she got raped and pregnant by a gang member?

Momma Meech: Son there is nothing you can do about the situation but separate yourself from it. You can't help her honey

Meech: Mom how would you feel if that happened to you and dad left you behind because of what people were saying? I'm not leaving my woman. Her getting raped and pregnant is not her fault

Momma Meech: Meech there's nothing you can do for her. That's not your baby and your too young to be a father

Meech: Young or not I'm gonna be a father to her child. You don't know what she's been going through. The media putting her business out there. She lost her dream job and now she's having a baby by a rapist. Her mental health is not the best right now. We're in this together

Momma Meech: Well then son she's needs to get help

Meech: She has been getting help. You know what? MIA LET'S GO NOW!!!!

Mia looked at him concerned and said "but what about my food?". Meech grabbed her arm and told her to bring it with her. Meech ran out the house with Mia looking confused and told her to get in the car. She got in the car and Meech sped off.


Meech wouldn't slow down. He just kept speeding and Mia got scared. She screamed " STOP!!!!" as she was in fear. Meech ain't never been this angry. A few minutes later they end up back at home in their driveway. All Mia could do was cry because he scared her so bad. Meech had a mean mug on his face when she looked at him.


Meech: I'm sorry Mia

Meech got out the car and went in the house leaving Mia in the car to just cry. Mia sat in the car for an hour until Meech knocked on the window. Meech asked her was she gonna get out the car but she didn't respond. All she could do was look at him with a sad face and her mouth opened. He knew he had no business scaring her like he did. He got in the car and held Mia's hand.

Meech: Mia listen to me. I'm sorry about earlier  okay

Mia: What happened? Why did you run out like that?

Meech: My mom doesn't want me to be with you anymore and I'm not about to do that. She kept saying I should separate myself from you because the situation was gonna make my career turn bad. I'm not leaving you Mia. You know that right? I don't care what nobody say

Mia: I understand

Mia said she understood but it wasn't in a way that Meech was thinking. In that moment Mia knew what she had to do. Mia was gonna run away and nothing was gonna change her mind. She didn't want Meech to have his career and life's work at risk for her. That baby in her stomach wasn't his so she could just leave and it would make things better for Meech. He wouldn't have to worry about disappointing his family and his career wouldn't be in shambles. Little did she know her decision to leave would only make his life miserable. So that night when Meech went to sleep Mia packed a bag and she left in an Uber. Where she was gonna go? She didn't know but she would make sure it was some place Meech wouldn't think to look for her. She was gonna move to Chicago. While she didn't know anybody there she figured it would be just like Las Vegas. She could just start over and build herself back up again. She hopped on a plane and it was bye bye to California for her.

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