What She Wanted To Hear

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Here you go loves. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I'm gonna try to stay consistent. Good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

The next day Meech showed up to the hospital to see Mia. Everybody was there but they decided to go up to Mila's room and let Meech and Mia have some private time.

Meech: CJ  be on the look out for a phone call. I wanna talk to you about something

CJ: Aight bro

Once everybody left Mia and Meech just looked at each other and didn't say a word. Finally after a few more moments Meech broke the silence.

Meech: So baby how you feel?

Mia: You killed him didn't you?

Meech: Who?

Mia: You know who I'm talking about. Please don't play dumb with me

Meech: Listen Mia

Mia: No you listen Meech. It's not worth it okay. You wanna go to prison for a low life like my brother? That's crazy to me

Meech: Baby i didn't kill anybody

Mia: Well I know you're thinking about it. You probably tryna put my sisters boyfriends up to it to aren't you?

Meech couldn't say anything. He knew she was right. He had to get his retribution though cause Mia could've died and loved her to much to lose her. Then Mila was still in a coma. He gotta die was his thought process.

Mia: Meech just get out of my face

Meech: What?

Mia: I said get out of my face. If you're gonna kill him please let me go. God didn't save me for vengeance. That's his job. Don't you dare kill him or anybody in my name ever. Just get out

Meech: Baby

Mia: I said go. When I get out of the hospital I will go stay with one of my sisters or find some other place to go. I can't be with a murderer

Meech: I love you so much Mia

Mia: Yeah sure Meech. You honestly think that once you kill my brother that will be the end of it? No honey that will only be the beginning of it. Somebody will come after you. I keep trying to tell you he has homies and they're loyal in that way. You can't possibly be that damn dumb Meech. So again if you're gonna kill him go ahead but don't you never come back into my life after that

Meech: So it's like that? You just gonna leave me?

Mia: It doesn't have to be like that if you just leave the situation alone Meech

Meech looked down at the floor in silence. He was speechless for the moment. Mia was his everything and he didn't want to lose her. His pride wouldn't let him leave the situation alone. He was a man and he wanted to protect Mia in the only way he knew how to. But she was right. His homies could come after him and her to for that matter. A bullet does not discriminate. Bullets don't care who they hit. They just go where they go whether it's the intended target or not. It doesn't matter.

Mia: Promise me you won't kill Jeremy and I won't go. But don't you dare say it unless you mean it. I don't wanna hear any lies Meech

Meech was still silent. A tear crept into his eye and then he looked at Mia. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. The very thing she asked him not to do he was about to do and that's lie. He looked at her.

Meech: I promise baby

Mia: Don't just say it. You gotta mean it Meech please

Meech: I mean it Mia. I'm not gonna do anything

Mia: Come here

Meech walked up to Mia as she sat up in her hospital bed. She laid to her side and grabbed his face. She kissed his forehead and then his lips. She looked at him as he tried to avoid eye contact with her. He looked sad.

Mia: Baby

Meech: Yeah

Mia: Why won't you look at me?

Meech: I just got a lot on my mind right now

Mia: Meech everything will be fine okay. Just let it go

Meech: But baby

Mia: Meech you promised

Meech: And I mean it

Mia: Okay so don't worry

Meech: Have you heard anything about Mila?

Mia: No not lately. She's still in a coma as far as I know. Help me out of this bed. I wanna see her for myself

Meech: But Mia you can't....

Mia: Meech help me out this bed. There's a wheelchair over there. You can wheel me to her room

Meech: Mia I don't know if that's a good idea. The doctor said you gotta rest


Meech: Okay Mia. I'll help you cause I can see you getting upset

Mia: Thank you

Meech picked her up out of bed and put her in the wheelchair. He put a blanket over her legs so she wouldn't be cold. They got on the elevator and rolled right to Mila's room. When everyone saw her in the door way they were shocked and surprised.

Debbie: Mia what are you doing up here? You should be in your room resting. Meech you're supposed to be the authority here

Meech: She made me do it. She was getting upset. You know she's stubborn

Mia: I wanna see my sister. Meech wheel me over to her

Meech rolled her over to Mila and Mia just looked at her. Mila had a tube in her mouth and IV's everywhere. She was on a breathing machine that was keeping her alive at the moment.

Mia: Mila I know you can hear me. I know you're not dead. Please wake up sis. You're so strong you can beat this just keep fighting. We're all gonna be here waiting for you when you wake up. Take your time but please don't leave us

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