Chapter 23- "The Desert Queen"

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After Isabella and I return our Pokemon to their capsules, we begin our journey to Lavaridge. "So tell me about this 'Brooke'," I ask my friend. "How strong do you think she is?"

"I knew her personally, actually. Irene and her were best friends growing up in Fortree City."

"You grew up in Fortree City!?"

"Didn't I tell you?"


"Oh, sorry about that." Isabella chuckles and we continue walking. She starts up her story again. "Anyway, my little sister and Brooke were best friends growing up. Brooke always had a fondness towards Rock-type Pokemon. She especially had a fascination towards fossil Pokemon. She always dreamed of finding one and reviving it ever since the technology was introduced. Brooke even always talked about traveling into the desert on Route 111." Isabella chortles a bit. "Irene and I used to always call her 'The Desert Queen'."

"So I'm assuming the Pokemon she uses are mainly Rock-Type?"

"Correct. I've personally seen her 8th badge team and they're practically invincible. Shuckle, Aggron, Rhyperior, Gigalith, Barbaracle, and her prized possession, Aerodactyl. I remember some poor trainer challenged her. Her team absolutely dominated his without even taking a scratch. I don't think that pitiful trainer ever recovered from that." Isabella slightly grins, as if relishing in the trainer's despair.

I grin too and look ahead. In my gaze lies a hoard of people, standing shoulder to shoulder and staring at something. In the corner of my ear, I hear a faint voice coming from the crowd.

Isabella notices the upheaval, too. "That's near the entrance to the desert," she says. We begin sprinting to the crowd. The closer we get, the more clear I can see. In the middle of the crowd stands a large platform and a woman on top, speaking to the crowd. Her voice becomes more clear too as we reach the edge of the crowd.

She's a woman with pitch black hair and wearing a black jumpsuit. Her eyes are a piercing dark brown and her voice is strikingly turbulent. "We're still looking for two more volunteers willing to join me and my team to an expedition in the desert in order to recover two lost fossils!" she yells.

Isabella then grabs my arm. "That's her."


"That's Brooke!" Isabella begins flailing her arms and shouting, "Brooke! Brooke!" The entire crowd, including Brooke, spins around and stares at us, until one man points and shouts, "It's the Elite Four member, Isabella!"

The crowd suddenly consumes us as they try to get a glimpse of the Elite Four member. The hoard overwhelms Isabella and I. I wasn't expecting such an uproar. I start sweating as people crowd around Isabella and I. I don't remember this many people mobbing over me ever since the day I beat Isley.

All of a sudden, I feel myself being lifted from the ground. I open my eyes and see my feet dangling over the passing by Route 111. With a loud scream, I look up and see a giant Pokemon carrying me by the nape of my shirt. Its wings were large and its skin seemed to be made of stone. On top the mysterious Pokemon sits Brooke as she guides the Pokemon through the sky.

I glance to the right and see Isabella also dangling from the Pokemon's feet. Unlike me, she seems calm and collected. She even seems to be enjoying this!

I notice that we slowly begin our descent to the ground. I plop right on my butt and stand up, fleeing from the large, winged Pokemon. Isabella laughs, walks after me, grabs my arm, and drags me back.

The one who I assume is Brooke slides down from the side of the Pokemon. She grins cheerfully, runs over and gives Isabella a great, big hug. "It's so good to see you, Isabella!" she sequels. The two detach and Brooke says, "How's Irene doing?"

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